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vmajor January 20, 2014 03:15

How can I view an SU2 mesh?
I am just starting to evaluate SU2 and I cannot find this information.

What application can I use to open and view the SU2 meshes from the TestCases?

The idea is to see how they were made and modify some for my own evaluation needs.

I have access to gmsh and engrid 1.4. I know that they can both export SU2, but I want to import SU2.


ceanwang January 20, 2014 08:02


I just wrote an extension which let SU2_CFD.exe exports mesh in GMSH's old pos format. So you could view that pos file with GMSH.

It's tested under win7@32. Download my exe file here.

It is the same as su2_cfd.exe, but only exports flow.pos when you specify Tecplot format in cfg file.

At the moment, only 2d meshes are supported.

Hope that will help.


vmajor January 21, 2014 03:40

Thanks for that...only I am on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 x64). Could you perhaps compile it for Ubuntu?



ceanwang January 21, 2014 06:22

You can compile it by yourself.

Simply copy my output_tecplot.cpp into su2_cfd\src folder and re-make.

see my other post about "Add GMSH output" to download that file.

vmajor January 22, 2014 03:40

OK... where can I get your version of output_tecplot.cpp from?



nvm, found it in your other post here:

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