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Approximation Schemes for convective term - structured grids - Schemes

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When we shall fill this page, I offer to make common identifications, because in different issues was used different notation.

Also we beg everybody to help me with original works. Later I shall write, what is necessary. If anyone have literature connected with convective schemes, please drop me a line.

We shall be very glad to hear any critical suggestion




SOU - Second Order Upwind (also LUDS or UDS-2)

S.P.Vanka ({{{year}}}), "Second-order upwind differencing ina recirculating flow", AIAA J., 25, 1435-1441.

R.F.Warming and R.M. Beam

Upwind second order difference schemes and applications in aerodynamics flows

AIAA J. 14 (1976) 1241-1249

Skew - Upwind

G.D.Raithby , Skew upstream differencing schemes for problems involving fluid flow, Computational Methods Applied Mech. Engineering, 9, 153-164 (1976)

QUICK - Quadratic Upwind Interpolation for Convective Kinematics (also UDS-3)

B.P.Leonard, A stable and accurate modelling procedure based on quadratic interpolation, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 19 (1979) 58-98

LUS - Linear Upwind Scheme

H.C.Price, R.S. Varga and J.E.Warren , Application of oscillation matrices to diffusion-convection equations, Journal Math. and Phys., Vol. 45, p.301, (1966)

Fromm - Fromm's Upwind Scheme

CUDS - Cubic Upwind Difference Scheme (also CUS)

Non-Linear QUICK based

SMART - Sharp and Monotonic Algorithm for Realistic Transport

P.H.Gaskell and A.C.K. Lau, Curvature-compensated convective transport: SMART, a new boundedness preserving transport algorithm, International J. Numer. Methods Fluids 8 (1988) 617-641

SMARTER - SMART Efficiently Revised

J.K. Shin and Y.D. Choi

Study on the improvement of the convective differencing scheme for the high-accuracy and stable resolution of the numerical solution

Trans. KSME 16(6) (1992) 1179-1194 (in Korean)


Song B., Liu G.B., Kam K.Y., Amano R.S.

On a higher-order bounded discretization schemes

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2000, 32, 881-897

VONOS - Variable-Order Non-Oscillatory Scheme

Varonos A., Bergeles G., Development and assessment of a Variable-Order Non-oscillatory Scheme for convection term discretization // International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 1998. 26, N 1. 1-16

CHARM - Cubic / Parabolic High-Accuracy Resolution Method

G.Zhou , Numerical simulations of physical discontinuities in single and multi-fluid flows for arbitrary Mach numbers, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (1995)

Gang Zhou, Lars Davidson and Erik Olsson

Transonic Inviscid / Turbulent Airfoil Flow Simulations Using a Pressure Based Method with High Order Schemes

Lecture notes in Physics, No. 453, pp. 372-377, Springler-Verlag, Berlin, (1995)

UMIST - Upstream Monotonic Interpolation for Scalar Transport

F.S.Lien and M.A.Leschziner , Upstream Monotonic Interpolation for Scalar Transport with application to complex turbulent flows, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 19, p.257, (1994)

Fromm based

MUSCL - Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws

Lien F.S. and Leschziner M.A. , Proc. 5th Int. IAHR Symp. on Refind Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurements, Paris, Sept. 1993

van Leer limiter

van Albada


ULTIMATE Universal Limiter

Chakravarthy-Osher limiter

Sweby \Phi - limiter


MINMOD - MINimum MODulus

Harten A. High resolution schemes using flux limiters for hyperbolic conservation laws. Journal of Computational Physics 1983; 49: 357-393

A. Harten

High Resolution Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

J. Comp. Phys., vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 225-232, 1991

ISNAS - Interpolation Scheme which is Nonoscillatory for Advected Scalars

Third-order flux-limiter scheme

M. Zijlema , On the construction of a third-order accurate monotone convection scheme with application to turbulent flows in general domains. International Journal for numerical methods in fluids, 22:619-641, 1996.

SOUCUP - Second-Order Upwind Central differnce-first order UPwind

Zhu J. (1992), "On the higher-order bounded discretization schemes for finite volume computations of incompressible flows", Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 98. 345-360.

J. Zhu, W.Rodi (1991), "A low dispersion and bounded convection scheme", Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech.&Engng, Vol. 92, p 225.

COPLA - COmbination of Piecewise Linear Approximation

HLPA - Hybrid Linear / Parabolic Approximation

Zhu J. Low Diffusive and oscillation-free convection scheme // Communications and Applied Numerical Methods. 1991. 7, N3. 225-232.

Zhu J., Rodi W. A low dispersion and bounded discretization schemes for finite volume computations of incompressible flows // Computational Methods for Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 1991. 92. 87-96

In this scheme, the normalized face value is approximated by a combination of linear and parabolic charachteristics passing through the points, O, Q, and P in the NVD. It satisfies TVD condition and is second-order accurate

Usual variables

f_{w} + \left( f_{P} -  f_{W} \right) \hat{f_{C}} & 0 \leq \hat{f_{C}} \leq 1 \\ 
f_{W} & \hat{f_{C}} \triangleleft 0 \ , \ \hat{f_{C}} \triangleright 1

Normalized variables - uniform grids

\hat{f_{C}} \left( 2 -  \hat{f_{C}} \right) \hat{f_{C}} & 0 \leq \hat{f_{C}} \leq 1 \\ 
\hat{f_{C}} & \hat{f_{C}} \triangleleft 0 \ , \ \hat{f_{C}} \triangleright 1

Normalized variables - non-uniform grids

a_{w} + b_{w} \hat{f_{C}} + c_{w} \hat{f_{C}}^{2} & 0 \leq \hat{f_{C}} \leq 1 \\ 
\hat{f_{C}} & \hat{f_{C}} \triangleleft 0 \ , \ \hat{f_{C}} \triangleright 1


a_{w} = 0  ,  

b_{w} = \left(y_{Q}- x^{2}_{Q} \right) /  \left(x_{Q}- x^{2}_{Q} \right)  , 

c_{w} = \left(y_{Q}- x_{Q} \right) /  \left(x_{Q}- x^{2}_{Q} \right)  ,


Using the switch factors:

for \boldsymbol{U_w \geq 0}

\alpha^{+}_{w} =  
1 & \ if \ | \phi_{P} - 2 \phi_{W} + \phi_{WW}| \triangleleft | \phi_{P} - \phi_{WW} | \\
0 & otherwise 

for \boldsymbol{U_w \triangleleft  0}

\alpha^{-}_{w} =  
1 & \ if \ | \phi_{W} - 2 \phi_{P} + \phi_{E}| \triangleleft | \phi_{W} - \phi_{E} | \\
0 & otherwise 

and taken all the possible flow directions into account, the un-normalized form of equation can be written as

\phi_{w} = U^{+}_{w} \phi_{W} + U^{-}_{w} \phi_{P} + \Delta \phi_{w}


\Delta \phi_{w} = U^{+}_{w} \alpha^{+}_{w} \left( \phi_{P} - \phi_{W} \right) \frac{\phi_{W} - \phi_{WW}}{\phi_{P} - \phi_{WW}} + U^{-}_{w} \alpha^{-}_{w} \left( \phi_{W} - \phi_{P} \right) \frac{\phi_{P} - \phi_{E}}{\phi_{W} - \phi_{E}}
 U^{+}_{w} = 0.5 \left( 1 + \left| U_{w} \right| / U_{w} \right) \ , \ U^{-}_{w} = 1 - U^{+}_{w} \ \ \left( U_{w}\neq 0 \right)

CLAM - Curved-Line Advection Method

Van Leer B. , Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. II. Monotonicity and conservation combined in a second-order scheme. Journal of Computational Physics 1974; 14:361-370

SHARP - Simple High Accuracy Resolution Program

B.P.Leonard, Simple high-accuracy resolution rogram for convective modelling of discontinuities, International J. Numerical Methods Fluids 8 (1988) 1291-1381

LPPA - Linear and Piecewise / Parabolic Approximasion


CUBISTA - Convergent and Universally Bounded Interpolation Scheme for the Treatment of Advection

M.A. Alves, P.J.Oliveira, F.T. Pinho, A convergent and Universally Bounded Interpolation Scheme for the Treatment of Advection // International Lournal For Numerical Methods in Fluids 2003, 41; 47-75