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Advertising/Sponsorship Information

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring CFD Online. By sponsoring CFD Online you will be supporting a public service for the online CFD community, your own staff included, and in return your company will get a unique exposure on CFD Online.

All sponsors are offered a banner and a link placed in the banner-rotation located in the top-section of most pages on CFD Online. This is the perfect way to promote your company and its products to the online CFD community. It will also generate a steady traffic of interested CFD surfers to your web site.

Every week CFD Online is visited by 100,500 people (unique IP addresses) reading 450,000 web pages per week. This makes CFD Online the largest CFD site on the net today. You can check the current visitor statistics yourself. As you will see CFD Online has a very targeted audience - most visitors are engineers, scientists or students working with CFD. Complete statistics for the year 2023 is also available. If you want more detailed or country-based statistics it can be provided upon request.

The banners for all sponsors are rotated automatically so that there is only one highly visible banner on each page. Statistics on banner impressions and click-throughs to your web site is sent to all sponsors. Today each banner is displayed approximately 53,000 times every month to 26,000 unique visitors (IP addresses).

Please contact if you are interested in sponsoring CFD Online and want more information.

Current Sponsors:

* Z-CFD, Zenotech, Ltd. * Tecplot, Inc.
* Simerics, Inc. * Analytic & Computational Research, Inc.
* TotalCAE * Flow Science, Inc.
* Convergent Science * CFD Direct, Ltd.
* Metacomp Technologies, Inc. * Gompute, atNorth

Active Sponsor Banners:

Z-CFD, Zenotech, Ltd.
Tecplot, Inc.
Simerics, Inc.
Analytic & Computational Research, Inc.
Flow Science, Inc.
Convergent Science
CFD Direct, Ltd.
Metacomp Technologies, Inc.
Gompute, atNorth