LESIM2D--- a research-oriented immersed boundary CFD code was just released. It is written using FORTRAN90 for modeling two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow with moving solid bodies in arbitrary shapes. It features level set representation and tracking of solid bodies, and a fractional step method for solving fluid flow.
The code is designed as a platform to let users quickly learn and pursue further studies in immersed boundary methods, which comprise a very active research area in CFD with a lot of room for improvement and challenges to overcome. To that end, a detailed user manual was written to document subroutines and sample runs demonstrating different features of the code. The code can be straightforwardly extended to its three-dimensional version.
The full source code is available with a fee. For more information, you are welcome to visit www.numersolution.com/Sale/sale.html. To contact us with questions or purchasing inquiries, please send an email to gfyao@numersolution.com.