We are introducing SkySolve.IO, a 2D CFD tool for non-experts.
Most CFD tools available in the market today suffer from being too complex for a newcomer, and too sophisticated for many industry applications. Many engineers often need a quick simulations of flow around a complex shape, but don't want to spend large amount of time on complex meshing and every conceivable turbulence model out there. Students new to CFD need a way to learn the CFD workflow without getting stuck learning complex tooling first.
SkySolve.IO allows you to calculate the flow around arbitrary shapes in a virtual 2D tunnel. Just draw your shape in the browser and hit run. Then view the results in the browser after the run has finished.
Here is a landing page for the app: https://skysolve.io The app will release next month. We are working hard on it!
We would love to hear your feedback at: contact@skysolve.io