Live Online Event: Parallel Post on HPC Made Easy with FieldView 2023
Date/Time: December 6th, 2023 at 10am
We’re excited to announce that the FieldView 2023 release is scheduled for November! Join us as we cover all the new features, fixes, and performance improvements that this release offers. Many of the new capabilities of FieldView 2023 were derived from user feedback and we worked directly with those users to test and implement the features.
Here’s what we will cover:
- Easier parallel setup from your local machine to an HPC system
- Show local scalar min/max locations and values in one click
- New arctan2( ) function for computing local angle of attack
- New Polyspheres display type for accurate intersection with surfaces
- New key modifiers for controlling the view from a trackpad
- Improved VTK, ANSYS-Fluent CFF, Tecplot and Ensight Readers
- Performance improvement for datasets with many grids on Windows
- And many more improvements and bug fixes