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Posted By: | Advanced Design Technology |
Date: | Fri, 20 Feb 2015, 12:13 p.m. |
LONDON and Erlangen, Germany – February 20, 2015 – Advanced Design Technology (ADT), a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods and the TURBOdesign Suite with offices in London and New York, today announces significant presence at this year prestigious Lehrstuhl fur Stromungsmechanik (LSTM) at the Technical University, Erlangen in Germany on February 24-26, 2015.
LSTM is held every two years at the Friedrich Alexander Universitat in Erlangen and features multiple classes from professors and industrial experts on the development, design and optimization of turbomachinery components. Mehrdad Zangeneh, PhD., Professor of Thermofluids at University College London and Managing Director of ADT will give a presentation entitled, "3D Inverse Design Method Applied to Turbomachinery Optimization," at 09:20 to 10:10 a.m. on February 25.
"Today we see stringent requirements for high performance turbomachinery, whether we look at minimum efficiency requirements for Fans and Pumps from European EcoDesign Directive, or 2020 emission regulations for vehicles and turbochargers, it is clear that a radical shift is needed from traditional turbomachinery development methods" says Zangeneh “3D Inverse Design based turbomachinery optimization allows engineers to work in a more logical three-dimensional design environment, facilitates development of high performance turbomachinery components in less time and lower costs."
On Wednesday 25 at 18:00 ADT staff will also demonstrate the most recent development in TURBOdesign Suite – Leading Design for Turbomachinery including extensions to the meanline modelling capabilities of pumps and fans, enhanced design automation processes for larger exploration of the design space and novel radial turbine design features for improved stage efficiency.
For more information about 3D Inverse Design technology and the TURBOdesign Suite, visit ADT stand during LSTM February 24-26, 2015; contact us at +44 (0)20 7299 1170; or go to the ADT website to arrange a demonstration of unique 3D design and analysis codes.
About Mehrdad Zangeneh
Mehrdad Zangeneh, PhD. and professor of thermofluids at University College London, is founding director of Advanced Design Technology (ADT). For 26 years, Zangeneh has developed advanced turbomachinery design codes based on the 3D Inverse Design approach and automatic optimization. His research has resulted in important breakthroughs in turbomachinery and marine propulsor design, and he has been granted eight international patents.
In 2000, Zangeneh was awarded the Japan’s Turbomachinery Society’s Gold Medal, and in 2003 he was awarded the Donald Julius Grone Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in UK. For more information, go to: www.adtechnology.co.uk
About Advanced Design Technology
Advanced Design Technology (ADT) is a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods, which helps not only to shorten development time but also to improve the performance of turbomachinery components.
ADT’s aim is to put designers in direct control of the aerodynamic design and to shorten, considerably, the design time and time to market for a range of turbomachinery products.
ADT’s clients, who represent some of the leading global players in the aerospace, automotive, power generation and marine fields, have achieved significant returns on investment in terms of reduction in design times, higher performance and ease of know-how transfer among different design teams and projects. For more information, call +44 (0) 20 7299 1170 or go to: www.adtechnology.co.uk.
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