We have recently launched two new servers for the CFD Online website. CFD Online has been running on the new servers for a week now. Most things work very well, although we still have a few issues with incompatibilities with the new version of the hosting software and the updated operating system. We hope to resolve the remaining problems in the coming weeks. If you find something broken please tell us by emailing webmaster@cfd-online.com.
If you notice any difference in speed or response time now compared to a couple of weeks ago please let us know. We think that the site is clearly quicker now, but that might also be dependent on where in the world you are located, so please also let us know where in the world you are accessing CFD Online from.
The new servers are located in Germany, Europe. Previously we had our servers in Phoenix, Arizona in the US.
CFD Online is now running on a virtual server based on Centos KVM technology. This makes it easy to move the site between different hardware servers without any down-time. The two new hardware servers that we recently launched are setup in a failover system, with one production server that normally handles the site alone and one backup server that always stands online ready to take over the site in case of hardware problems on the production node.
The production server has two mirrored RAID1 SSD disks, plenty of memory and a Xeon 1270v3 CPU. Our old server struggled a bit when the traffic was high, but this new server handles even the most hectic times excellently. The load average rarely goes above 0.4. We now have plenty of room to grow and increase our traffic in the future :-)