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May 22, 2012, 08:26 |
ICEM Scripting Issues
#1 |
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Having a few issues with ICEM and getting scripting to work. As per the Ansys tutorial on youtube (the 3 part series) I've made a mesh with ICEM (with a few more blocks and a better mesh etc). The problem is that when I go and change the formatted data point file in the scripting to another aerofoil and run it in a new project, it will do all the scripting fine, but when I look at the mesh near the wing...it sort of works, but also doesn't. Basically the mesh does conform to SOME of the new aerofoil, but some of it still conforms to the old one which I meshed everything off. Do you have any ideas as to why this may be happening/suggestions around it. Ideally I want to be able to change the file it imports the data points from and the filename of the one it outputs to and be able to run it and have it work for all the aerofoils I test. (To ensure it does work I am only using naca airfoils with 51 points per spline and 2 splines) Thanks for your help |
May 23, 2012, 09:34 |
#2 |
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Played around with the software/scripting a little more to get a mesh that works better HOWEVER scripting now has elements all over the aerofoil. I have no idea why its doing this so your help would be great. I've attached pictures (hopefully and I apologize if the pictures are too large) of what it should look like, and a different aerofoil which has been made using the script. If I use the same airfoil it works fine when scripting (which makes sense seeing as its just replaying what I have done). Any help would be great as I'm really stuck here. Thanks Tyler What its supposed to look like http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/meshf.png/ Scripting with another airfoil http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/mesh2.png/ |
May 23, 2012, 11:16 |
#3 |
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Simon Pereira
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The most common mistake people make with scripting is to use commands that are not parametric... For instance, they may split based on a screen select instead of by a percentage or by a point location. Look for commands that are based on XYZ or interactive selections rather than being based on the underlying (and changing) geometry points.
Your second problem appears to be that the edge which should be projecting to the lower curve is instead projecting to the other side... In other words, both the upper and lower edge are projecting to the same side (the concave side) of the airfoil... Perhaps your curve has one name all the way around so the association is projecting to the nearest side and you need to use some sort of split with an association to a particular point to bring things back under control.
----------------------------------------- Please help guide development at ANSYS by filling in these surveys Public ANSYS ICEM CFD Users Survey This second one is more general (Gambit, TGrid and ANSYS Meshing users welcome)... CFD Online Users Survey |
May 23, 2012, 21:42 |
#5 |
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Thanks for those replies. Here is the code where its stuffing up. The bits in Red (they were in red, before I put them in quotes) are where I think it may be having problems, however I am unsure exactly what the difference between a percentage selection, point selection or screen selection would look like in the code. When I look at either wing (the one I designed it with, or the different series which stuffed up) they both say the top and bottom spline are different curves. i.e. curve 1 on the top and curve 0 on the bottom.
1. ic_geo_cre_geom_input {C:/MAJOR PROJECT - Copy/naca9210.dat} 0.001 input PNTS pnt CRVS crv SURFS {} 2. ic_boco_solver 3. ic_boco_clear_icons 4. ic_csystem_display all 0 5. ic_csystem_set_current global 6. ic_boco_nastran_csystem reset 7. ic_geo_new_family GEOM 8. ic_boco_set_part_color GEOM 9. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.00 -25,0,0 10. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.01 20,30,0 11. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.02 20,-30,0 12. ic_geo_new_family FF 13. ic_boco_set_part_color FF 14. ic_gui_set va_set(name) 15. ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.00 0 16. ic_curve point FF crv.00 {pnt.01 pnt.00 pnt.02} 17. ic_gui_set va_set(name) 18. ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.01 0 19. ic_curve point FF crv.01 {pnt.01 pnt.02} 20. ic_geo_new_family FLUID 21. ic_boco_set_part_color FLUID 22. ic_surface 2-4crvs FLUID srf.00 {0.01 {crv.00 crv.01}} 23. ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} 24. ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} 25. ic_hex_initialize_mesh 2d new_numbering new_blocking FLUID 26. ic_hex_switch_blocking root 27. ic_hex_unblank_blocks 28. ic_hex_multi_grid_level 0 29. ic_hex_projection_limit 0 30. ic_hex_default_bunching_law default 2.0 31. ic_hex_floating_grid off 32. ic_hex_transfinite_degree 1 33. ic_hex_unstruct_face_type one_tri 34. ic_hex_set_n_tetra_smoothing_steps 20 35. ic_hex_set_mesh_params PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID -version 110 36. ic_hex_error_messages off_minor 37. ic_hex_switch_blocking root 38. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 19 21 0 1 crv.01 39. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 13 21 0 1 crv.00 40. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 11 13 0 1 crv.00 41. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 11 19 0 1 crv.00 42. ic_hex_project_to_surface FLUID FF GEOM PNTS CRVS 43. ic_hex_unstruct_face_type 44. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 45. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 4 46. ic_hex_mark_blocks numbers 19 21 edge_neighbors 47. ic_hex_ogrid 1 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID -version 50 48. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 49. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 50. ic_hex_split_grid 33 35 0.363433 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 51. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 52. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 4 53. ic_hex_change_element_id VORFN 54. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 33 42 0 1 crv1 55. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 32 40 0 1 crv0 56. ic_hex_project_to_surface FLUID FF GEOM PNTS CRVS 57. ic_hex_place_node 40 curve:crv0 0 58. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 59. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 17 60. ic_hex_collapse_blocks 1 version 410 61. ic_hex_place_node 41 curve:crv.00 0.108140292 62. ic_hex_place_node 39 curve:crv.00 0.889533474 63. ic_hex_split_grid 13 41 0.257948 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 64. ic_hex_split_grid 13 33 0.959263 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 65. ic_hex_place_node 55 -0.364803433 0.396880209 0 There are several of the above line of code for different nodes (whilst I moved them into the position I wanted) 118. ic_hex_place_node 48 curve:crv1 0.0580021418 119. ic_hex_place_node 47 curve:crv.00 0.153213016 Again there are several of the above line of code for different nodes 131. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 132. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 3.41322556642e-006 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 133. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 3.41322556642e-006 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 134. ic_hex_set_mesh 51 52 n 200 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 135. ic_hex_set_mesh 51 52 n 200 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 136. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 51 n 40 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 137. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 51 n 40 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 138. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 55 n 20 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 139. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 55 n 20 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 140. ic_hex_set_mesh 13 55 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 141. ic_hex_set_mesh 13 55 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.000748040134847 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 142. ic_hex_set_mesh 42 35 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 143. ic_hex_set_mesh 42 35 n 70 h1rel 0.000263157894737 h2rel 0.0 r1 1.2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked Move moving of nodes 173. ic_hex_create_composite {crv0 crv1} 174. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 32 33 0 1 crv0 175. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 176. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 48 42 177. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 178. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 179. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 46 42 180. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 181. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 182. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 32 46 183. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 184. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 185. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 32 33 186. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 187. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 188. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 33 48 189. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 190. ic_hex_create_mesh PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID proj 2 dim_to_mesh 3 191. ic_hex_write_file hex.uns PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID proj 2 dim_to_mesh 3 -family_boco family_boco.fbc 192. ic_uns_load hex.uns 3 0 {} 2 193. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 194. ic_uns_diag_reset_degen_min_max 195. ic_boco_solver 196. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 197. ic_boco_clear_icons 198. ic_csystem_display all 0 199. ic_csystem_set_current global 200. ic_boco_nastran_csystem reset 201. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 202. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 203. ic_uns_create_selection_subset 0 204. ic_uns_create_selection_edgelist 1 205. ic_uns_subset_configure uns_sel_0 -draw_nodes 1 206. ic_uns_subset_visible uns_sel_0 0 207. ic_uns_subset_copy uns_sel_0 all 2 208. ic_uns_uniqify uns_sel_0 209. ic_uns_subset_visible uns_sel_0 0 210. ic_uns_create_selection_edgelist 0 211. ic_extrude map uns_sel_0 numlayers 1 dir normal space 0.01 space_func {} rpoint {0 0 0} rdir {0 0 0} rangle 10.0 volf inherited sidef inherited topf inherited curve {} curvedir 0 twist 0 del_orig 0 del_covered 1 degen_tol 0.00001 trans_rot_vec {0 0 1} spacing_transl_rot 0.0 project 0 212. ic_uns_subset_delete uns_sel_0 213. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4 !HEXA_8} update 0 214. ic_boco_solver {ANSYS CFX} 215. ic_solver_mesh_info {ANSYS CFX} 216. ic_boco_solver 217. ic_boco_save {C:/MAJOR PROJECT - Copy/naca9210.fbc} 218. ic_boco_save_atr {C:/MAJOR PROJECT - Copy/naca9210.atr} 219. ic_save_tetin naca9210.tin 0 0 {} {} 0 0 1 220. ic_uns_check_duplicate_numbers 221. ic_uns_renumber_all_elements 1 1 222. ic_save_unstruct naca9210.uns 1 {} {} {} 223. ic_uns_set_modified 1 224. ic_hex_save_blocking naca9210.blk 225. ic_boco_solver 226. ic_boco_save naca9210.fbc 227. ic_boco_save_atr naca9210.atr One other thing...is it possible to have it so that the "name" it uses to save everything is a variable or something? That way I only have to change 1 line of code for it to do another aerofoil? I have read some stuff on it however it went over my head, but if someone knows the code which I could just drop in that would be great. This isn't critical, but it would be a nice feature. Thanks for the speedy replies as well. Tyler Last edited by tylerplowright; May 24, 2012 at 06:57. |
May 24, 2012, 02:32 |
#6 |
Senior Member
I am also new in this field. Just following Simon's suggestions on the scripting. I have run your code and still working on it. I recommend you to mention the name of file and directory explicitly and should be the current directory where files are .
Just give you details soon. |
May 24, 2012, 07:55 |
#7 | |
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As for the directories, everything is saved in the same directory for simplicity and this directory won't change. When it comes time to do simulations the necessary files will be copied to another computer however this won't affect the creation of the geometry and mesh. Thanks again for your help Tyler UPDATE: After doing one line at a time and trying a few of the lines manually I've narrowed it down to line 174. This line is where I associate one of the edges of the block at the leading edge of the wing to the two parts of the wing (top and bottom curve). Even if I do this manually it stuffs up. Here are pictures of what it looks like after line 173, and 174. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/173zq.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/174un.png/ Obviously I need to associate edge to curve, however even if I do this manually it stuffs up. All other curves are associated. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Can upload the files if required. Last edited by tylerplowright; May 25, 2012 at 01:43. |
May 25, 2012, 02:24 |
#9 | |
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I still need to associate the edge to a curve, otherwise it just cuts a section off the wing by meshing to the line, rather than the curve. Lines 175 onwards work fine, its just that I need to associate the edge of the block to the curve. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks Tyler |
May 25, 2012, 02:29 |
#10 |
Senior Member
could you post a pic?
You get the problem after associating the edge to curve or before it? If you are getting problem after association then just go to edit edge > make it spline or automatic linear and things will not be messed up. |
May 25, 2012, 03:55 |
#11 | |
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http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/173zq.png/ After: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/174un.png/ I get the problem after associating edge to curve. Even if I edit edge and make it automatic linear, the edge does follow the curve, but the mesh still goes straight over the aerofoil just like in the second picture (except the second picture shows it without the automatic linear on the block near the leading edge). Could it be to do with line 173 where it joins the two curves into the one curve? I have tried running the script from line 1 to 172, associating edge to curve, and then running line 173, then 175 onwards however this didn't work either. I also tried 1-172, associating edge to curve and then 175 onwards. From what i can gather, lines 1-172 work fine, the problem is one or both of 173/174. Any other idea's? Thanks again for quick responses Tyler |
May 25, 2012, 05:10 |
#12 |
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Files uploaded. 4 files in total, 2 .dat files which are for the airfoils. NACA9210 is what the script was created on, and NACA9608 is the airfoil which is most dissimilar to this that I was planning on testing.
2 scripting files. The replay_file5_output_clean.rpl is the one I posted before, the replay_file5_output_updated(clean).rpl was where I changed a couple of the earlier processes from screen select to percentage so that it was related to the curve. I have not fully tested this second script to make sure it works up to line 172 however I'm still fairly confident that it works. Thanks for your help Tyler |
May 25, 2012, 16:04 |
#14 |
Senior Member
Here is the corrected script along with older one. I have modified the script after the second last line. This is temporary solution and you should put these lines and/or commands at the appropriate place.
May 25, 2012, 21:04 |
#15 |
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Thanks so much for your help. It works great now and I couldn't have done it without you. I wish you the best of luck with learning the scripting language but if you've picked it up this fast to find my problem I'd say you'll be fine. Thanks again Tyler |
May 26, 2012, 00:10 |
#16 |
Senior Member
Than-you Tyler for appreciation.
Actually this happen because of general ICEM learning, which is due to Simon's mentor-ship. I just started the recording after 2nd last line and first solved the problem manually (first without recording and after confirmation with recording) and then saved the script. But these commands should be placed in centre of script where you are making other operations on blocking. Please do post the your final scripting and other problems here. |
June 3, 2012, 22:23 |
#18 |
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Thanks again for all of your help Far. After some tweaking and removing unnecessary lines of code, the final code is as follows:
1. ic_geo_cre_geom_input {C:/MAJOR PROJECT/DAE31.dat} 0.001 input PNTS pnt CRVS crv SURFS {} 2. ic_boco_solver 3. ic_boco_clear_icons 4. ic_csystem_display all 0 5. ic_csystem_set_current global 6. ic_boco_nastran_csystem reset 7. ic_geo_new_family GEOM 8. ic_boco_set_part_color GEOM 9. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.00 -25,0,0 10. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.01 20,30,0 11. ic_point {} GEOM pnt.02 20,-30,0 12. ic_geo_new_family FF 13. ic_boco_set_part_color FF 14. ic_gui_set va_set(name) 15. ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.00 0 16. ic_curve point FF crv.00 {pnt.01 pnt.00 pnt.02} 17. ic_gui_set va_set(name) 18. ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.01 0 19. ic_curve point FF crv.01 {pnt.01 pnt.02} 20. ic_geo_new_family FLUID 21. ic_boco_set_part_color FLUID 22. ic_surface 2-4crvs FLUID srf.00 {0.01 {crv.00 crv.01}} 23. ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} 24. ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} 25. ic_hex_initialize_mesh 2d new_numbering new_blocking FLUID 26. ic_hex_switch_blocking root 27. ic_hex_unblank_blocks 28. ic_hex_multi_grid_level 0 29. ic_hex_projection_limit 0 30. ic_hex_default_bunching_law default 2.0 31. ic_hex_floating_grid off 32. ic_hex_transfinite_degree 1 33. ic_hex_unstruct_face_type one_tri 34. ic_hex_set_n_tetra_smoothing_steps 20 35. ic_hex_set_mesh_params PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID -version 110 36. ic_hex_error_messages off_minor 37. ic_hex_switch_blocking root 38. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 19 21 0 1 crv.01 39. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 13 21 0 1 crv.00 40. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 11 13 0 1 crv.00 41. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 11 19 0 1 crv.00 42. ic_hex_project_to_surface FLUID FF GEOM PNTS CRVS 43. ic_hex_unstruct_face_type 44. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 45. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 4 46. ic_hex_mark_blocks numbers 19 21 edge_neighbors 47. ic_hex_ogrid 1 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID -version 50 48. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 49. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 50. ic_hex_split_grid 33 35 0.363433 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 51. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 52. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 4 53. ic_hex_change_element_id VORFN 54. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 33 42 0 1 crv1 55. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 32 40 0 1 crv0 56. ic_hex_project_to_surface FLUID FF GEOM PNTS CRVS 57. ic_hex_place_node 40 curve:crv0 0 58. ic_hex_mark_blocks unmark 59. ic_hex_mark_blocks superblock 17 60. ic_hex_collapse_blocks 1 version 410 61. ic_hex_place_node 41 curve:crv.00 0.108140292 62. ic_hex_place_node 39 curve:crv.00 0.889533474 63. ic_hex_split_grid 13 41 0.257948 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 64. ic_hex_split_grid 13 33 0.959263 m PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID VORFN 65. ic_hex_place_node 57 1.04819107 0.338175893 0 66. ic_hex_place_node 52 1.05201125 -0.349450529 0 67. ic_hex_place_node 55 -0.20099692 0.215931192 0 68. ic_hex_place_node 56 0.00147085683 0.292334139 0 69. ic_hex_place_node 48 curve:crv1 0.0580021418 70. ic_hex_place_node 45 curve:crv.00 0.760190232 71. ic_hex_place_node 58 curve:crv.01 0.492990315 72. ic_hex_place_node 53 curve:crv.01 0.507301092 73. ic_hex_place_node 39 curve:crv.00 0.914301514 74. ic_hex_place_node 11 curve:crv.00 0.541171663 75. ic_hex_place_node 13 curve:crv.00 0.241022627 76. ic_hex_place_node 47 curve:crv.00 0.148206883 77. ic_hex_place_node 41 curve:crv.00 0.0931036278 78. ic_hex_place_node 32 curve:crv0 0.952891284 79. ic_hex_place_node 46 curve:crv0 0.769600693 80. ic_hex_place_node 51 -0.0141472844 -0.32717976 0 81. ic_hex_place_node 50 -0.323202014 -0.08346802 0 82. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 83. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 3.41322556642e-006 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 84. ic_hex_set_mesh 55 33 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 3.41322556642e-006 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 85. ic_hex_set_mesh 51 52 n 200 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 86. ic_hex_set_mesh 51 52 n 200 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 87. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 51 n 40 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 88. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 51 n 40 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 89. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 55 n 20 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 90. ic_hex_set_mesh 50 55 n 20 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 91. ic_hex_set_mesh 13 55 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 92. ic_hex_set_mesh 13 55 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.000748040134847 r1 2 r2 1.2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 93. ic_hex_set_mesh 42 35 n 70 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 94. ic_hex_set_mesh 42 35 n 70 h1rel 0.000263157894737 h2rel 0.0 r1 1.2 r2 2 lmax 0 default copy_to_parallel unlocked 95. ic_hex_split_edge 46 42 0 0.576805 -0.121285 0 96. ic_hex_split_edge 48 42 0 0.431332 -0.0451865 0 97. ic_hex_create_composite {crv0 crv1} 98. ic_hex_set_edge_projection 32 33 0 1 crv0 99. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 100. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 48 42 101. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 102. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 103. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 46 42 104. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 105. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 106. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 32 46 107. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 108. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 109. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 32 33 110. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 111. ic_hex_undo_major_start auto_edge_split 112. ic_hex_auto_split_edge 33 48 113. ic_hex_undo_major_end auto_edge_split 114. ic_hex_create_mesh PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID proj 2 dim_to_mesh 3 115. ic_hex_write_file hex.uns PNTS CRVS GEOM FF FLUID proj 2 dim_to_mesh 3 -family_boco family_boco.fbc 116. ic_uns_load hex.uns 3 0 {} 2 117. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 118. ic_uns_diag_reset_degen_min_max 119. ic_boco_solver 120. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 121. ic_boco_clear_icons 122. ic_csystem_display all 0 123. ic_csystem_set_current global 124. ic_boco_nastran_csystem reset 125. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 126. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4} update 0 127. ic_uns_create_selection_subset 0 128. ic_uns_create_selection_edgelist 1 129. ic_uns_subset_configure uns_sel_0 -draw_nodes 1 130. ic_uns_subset_visible uns_sel_0 0 131. ic_uns_subset_copy uns_sel_0 all 2 132. ic_uns_uniqify uns_sel_0 133. ic_uns_subset_visible uns_sel_0 0 134. ic_uns_create_selection_edgelist 0 135. ic_extrude map uns_sel_0 numlayers 1 dir normal space 0.01 space_func {} rpoint {0 0 0} rdir {0 0 0} rangle 10.0 volf inherited sidef inherited topf inherited curve {} curvedir 0 twist 0 del_orig 0 del_covered 1 degen_tol 0.00001 trans_rot_vec {0 0 1} spacing_transl_rot 0.0 project 0 136. ic_uns_subset_delete uns_sel_0 137. ic_uns_update_family_type visible {FLUID FF GEOM PNTS ORFN CRVS} {!LINE_2 QUAD_4 !HEXA_8} update 0 138. ic_boco_solver {ANSYS CFX} 139. ic_solver_mesh_info {ANSYS CFX} 140. ic_boco_solver 141. ic_boco_save {C:/MAJOR PROJECT/DAE31.fbc} 142. ic_boco_save_atr {C:/MAJOR PROJECT/DAE31.atr} 143. ic_save_tetin DAE31.tin 0 0 {} {} 0 0 1 144. ic_uns_check_duplicate_numbers 145. ic_uns_renumber_all_elements 1 1 146. ic_save_unstruct DAE31.uns 1 {} {} {} 147. ic_uns_set_modified 1 148. ic_hex_save_blocking DAE31.blk 149. ic_boco_solver 150. ic_boco_save DAE31.fbc 151. ic_boco_save_atr DAE31.atr 152. ic_param_save DAE31.par 153. ic_cart_is_loaded 154. ic_save_project_file {C:/MAJOR PROJECT/DAE31.prj} {array\ set\ file_name\ \{ { catia_dir .} { parts_dir .} { domain_loaded 1} { cart_file_loaded 0} { cart_file {}} { domain_saved DAE31.uns} { archive {}} { med_replay {}} { topology_dir .} { ugparts_dir .} { icons {{$env(ICEM_ACN)/lib/ai_env/icons} {$env(ICEM_ACN)/lib/va/EZCAD/icons} {$env(ICEM_ACN)/lib/icons} {$env(ICEM_ACN)/lib/va/CABIN/icons}}} { tetin DAE31.tin} { family_boco DAE31.fbc} { prism_params DAE31.prism_params} { iges_dir .} { solver_params_loaded 0} { attributes_loaded 0} { project_lock {}} { attributes DAE31.atr} { domain DAE31.uns} { domains_dir .} { settings_loaded 0} { settings DAE31.prj} { blocking DAE31.blk} { hexa_replay {}} { transfer_dir .} { mesh_dir .} { family_topo {}} { gemsparts_dir .} { family_boco_loaded 1} { tetin_loaded 1} { project_dir .} { topo_mulcad_out {}} { solver_params DAE31.par} \} array\ set\ options\ \{ { expert 1} { remote_path {}} { tree_disp_quad 2} { tree_disp_pyra 0} { evaluate_diagnostic 0} { histo_show_default 1} { select_toggle_corners 0} { remove_all 0} { keep_existing_file_names 0} { record_journal 0} { edit_wait 0} { face_mode all} { select_mode all} { med_save_emergency_tetin 1} { user_name TOSHIBA} { diag_which all} { uns_warn_if_display 500000} { bubble_delay 1000} { external_num 1} { tree_disp_tri 2} { apply_all 0} { flood_select_angle 0} { home_after_load 1} { project_active 0} { histo_color_by_quality_default 1} { undo_logging 1} { tree_disp_hexa 0} { histo_solid_default 1} { host_name TOSHIBA-PC} { xhidden_full 1} { editor {}} { mouse_color orange} { clear_undo 1} { remote_acn {}} { remote_sh csh} { tree_disp_penta 0} { n_processors 1} { remote_host {}} { save_to_new 0} { quality_info Quality} { tree_disp_node 0} { med_save_emergency_mesh 1} { redtext_color red} { tree_disp_line 0} { select_edge_mode 0} { use_dlremote 0} { max_mesh_map_size 1024} { show_tris 1} { remote_user {}} { auto_save_views 1} { max_cad_map_size 512} { display_origin 0} { uns_warn_user_if_display 1000000} { detail_info 0} { win_java_help 0} { show_factor 1} { boundary_mode all} { clean_up_tmp_files 1} { med_save_emergency_blocking 1} { max_binary_tetin 0} { tree_disp_tetra 0} \} array\ set\ disp_options\ \{ { uns_dualmesh 0} { uns_warn_if_display 500000} { uns_normals_colored 0} { uns_icons 0} { uns_locked_elements 0} { uns_shrink_npos 0} { uns_node_type None} { uns_icons_normals_vol 0} { uns_bcfield 0} { backup Wire} { uns_nodes 0} { uns_only_edges 0} { uns_surf_bounds 0} { uns_wide_lines 0} { uns_vol_bounds 0} { uns_displ_orient Triad} { uns_orientation 0} { uns_directions 0} { uns_thickness 0} { uns_shell_diagnostic 0} { uns_normals 0} { uns_couplings 0} { uns_periodicity 0} { uns_single_surfaces 0} { uns_midside_nodes 1} { uns_shrink 100} { uns_multiple_surfaces 0} { uns_no_inner 0} { uns_enums 0} { uns_disp Wire} { uns_bcfield_name {}} { uns_color_by_quality 0} { uns_changes 0} { uns_cut_delay_count 1000} \} {set use_xwindows 0} {set icon_size1 24} {set icon_size2 35} {set undo_save_whole_mesh 1} {set undo_max_memory 0} {set gsys_display_list_max_size 100} {set geom_fast_dynamics 1} {set med_fast_dynamics 1} {set tdv_dynamics_speed_thresh 300} {set med_float_precision 0} {set tdv_quadratic_accuracy 9} {set med_index_base 1} {set mesh_min_moving_element_aspect 0.1} {set thickness_defined 0} {set solver_type 1} {set solver_setup 1} {set tdv_background_color {1 #6688dd #ffffff}} {set prompt_for_bld_topo 0} {set prompt_for_bld_topo_opts 0} {set named_sels_as_parts 1} array\ set\ prism_values\ \{ { n_triangle_smoothing_steps 5} { min_smoothing_steps 6} { first_layer_smoothing_steps 1} { new_volume {}} { height 0} { prism_height_limit {}} { n_tetra_smoothing_steps 10} { do_checks {}} { delete_standalone 1} { ortho_weight 0.50} { max_aspect_ratio {}} { ratio_max {}} { total_height 0} { use_prism_v10 0} { intermediate_write 1} { delete_base_triangles {}} { ratio_multiplier {}} { refine_prism_boundary 1} { max_size_ratio {}} { triangle_quality {}} { max_prism_angle 180} { tetra_smooth_limit 0.3} { max_jump_factor 5} { use_existing_quad_layers 0} { layers 3} { fillet 0.10} { into_orphan 0} { init_dir_from_prev {}} { blayer_2d 0} { do_not_allow_sticking {}} { top_family {}} { law exponential} { min_smoothing_val 0.1} { auto_reduction 0} { stop_columns 1} { stair_step 1} { smoothing_steps 12} { side_family {}} { min_prism_quality 0.01} { ratio 1.2} \} array\ set\ curve_properties\ \{ { emin_incr 0.1} { ewid_incr 1} { brat_incr 0.1} { hrat_incr 0.1} { emax_incr 1.0} { edev_incr 0.1} { ehgt_incr 0.1} { nmax_incr 1} \} array\ set\ mesh_option\ \{ { project_bspline 0} \} {set aie_current_flavor {}} array\ set\ vid_options\ \{ { wb_NS_to_subset 0} { auxiliary 0} { show_name 0} { inherit 0} { default_part GEOM} { new_srf_topo 1} { DelPerFlag 0} { show_item_name 0} { composite_tolerance 1.0} { replace 0} { same_pnt_tol 1e-4} { tdv_axes 1} { vid_mode 0} { DelBlkPerFlag 0} \} {set savedTreeVisibility {geomNode 1 geom_subsetNode 2 geomPointNode 2 geomCurveNode 2 geomSurfNode 0 meshNode 1 mesh_subsetNode 2 meshLineNode 0 meshShellNode 2 meshQuadNode 2 meshVolumeNode 0 meshHexaNode 0 blockingNode 1 block_subsetNode 2 block_vertNode 0 block_edgeNode 2 block_faceNode 0 block_blockNode 0 block_meshNode 0 topoNode 2 topo-root 2 partNode 2 part-CRVS 2 part-FF 2 part-FLUID 2 part-GEOM 2 part-PNTS 2 part-VORFN 0}} {set last_view {rot {0 0 0 1} scale {4.53615493567 4.53615493567 4.53615493567} center {-2.38555 0.0295 0.0} pos {0.0 0.0 0}}} array\ set\ cut_info\ \{ { active 0} { whole 1} \} array\ set\ hex_option\ \{ { default_bunching_ratio 2.0} { floating_grid 0} { n_tetra_smoothing_steps 20} { trfDeg 1} { wr_hexa7 0} { hexa_verbose_mode 0} { old_eparams 0} { multigrid_level 0} { uns_face_mesh one_tri} { check_blck 1} { proj_limit 0} { check_inv 0} { hexa_update_mode 1} { default_bunching_law BiGeometric} \} array\ set\ saved_views\ \{ { views {}} \} {set tdv_start_spaceball 1}} {ICEM CFD} 155. ic_exec {C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v130/icemcfd/win/icemcfd/output-interfaces/cfx5} -dom DAE31.uns -b DAE31.fbc -ascii -internal_faces {C:/MAJOR PROJECT/DAE31.cfx5} Thanks again Tyler |
June 13, 2019, 06:16 |
ICEM CFD Scripting Issues
#19 |
New Member
Anup Jain
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 23
Rep Power: 7 |
I want a point on the curve which is at a parameter of 0.4 and 0.8 on the curve. I create this point (In script editor these points are point pt.00 and pt.01) [image 1 and image 2] I then assign vertex ( vertex/node 67 and vertex/node 66) [image 2] to these points respectively. Now when I change the curve dimension (for optimization) and update ICEM CFD the points defined by parameter 0.4 and 0.8 are created but their names are changed on update (pt 04 and pt 05) [image 3]. The problem is that in the script the vertices were assigned to pt.00 and pt.01 and As a result, ICEM CFD throws an error "Update failed for the Model component in ICEM CFD. Update of the Model component in ICEM CFD did not mark the component as updated due to a change made to the ANSYS Geometry component during the update" Along with pt.04 and pt.05 it creates pt.01 and pt.00 if I forcefully run the script (the vertices remain attached to pt.00 and pt.01) with warning as shown in image 3 (I want the vertices attached to the points that are located at parameters 0.4 and 0.8 of the curve) Can someone please help, Thanks, Anup |
June 13, 2019, 08:05 |
#20 |
Senior Member
Sebastian Engel
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Germany
Posts: 567
Rep Power: 21 |
Hi Anup,
could you share your ICEM replay script too? Best regards, Sebastian |
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