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[ANSYS Meshing] ANSYS mesh - I was surprised...

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Old   September 4, 2014, 13:17
Default ANSYS mesh - I was surprised...
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assafwei is on a distinguished road
The company I work for recently moved from FEMAP to ANSYS.
I was amazed by the very weak tools for manually editing mesh in ANSYS.
a few points I have, maybe there is a solution I do not know:

1. Mesh quality check - ANSYS uses mesh "matrices", you click on the column with lets say 0.9 jacobian, and it shows only those elements, I am used to a pre-processor that colors all the elements according to their quality (blue is 0 and red is 1 for example) this way you can clearly see what areas there are elements with poor quality, in addition FEMAP also puts an anotation with an arrow on the highest and lowest quality elements, so you can find them straight away and take care of them.
2. Editing surface elements - I am used to first creating a tet surface mesh, editing the surface mesh and then transforming it to solid mesh. The problem is that I have seen very few tools (if any) in ANSYS to directly manipulate the surface mesh, I am talking for example about deleting a few small warped elements and nodes and creating bigger better elements instead, moving nodes etc.
3. Because the design modeler and ANSYS mesh are two different tools, the whole process is very exhausting. In FEMAP everything is under the same interface, so for example if I merge two surfaces, the tet mesher automatically remeshes and I see the results on the fly, in ANSYS I need to go to DM, merge the surfaces, go back to ANSYS mesh, regenerate the geometry, and remesh, is there a shortcut for this (without using shared topology, for some reason I find it less convinient, maybe I just need to get used to it)?

Thanks for your input.

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