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[ICEM] Meshing Wing with low Y+ value and sharp trailing edge

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Old   July 27, 2015, 10:29
Default Meshing Wing with low Y+ value and sharp trailing edge
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Abhinav Pandey
Join Date: Aug 2014
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sonic109 is on a distinguished road
Hello all!
So, I have been working to get a good mesh for this wing with sharp trailing edge and also trying to capture the boundary layer using a Y+ value of 1. It has been painstaking till now. I have gone through numerous posts on ICEM but have not been able to solve all the problems.

I am using a trailing baffle surface, as suggested by Simon, to solve the problem of low quality elements at the trailing edge of the wing. That seems to work fine, except that the low quality elements are now at the end of the trailing baffle surface. I have realized that if your Y+ value is really low, it's not possible to obtain a good quality pyramids and tetras at the end of a sharp edge. This is because the transition from high aspect ratio of the bottom prism elements to pyramids and tetras is always going to give you bad quality aft the sharp edge. Of course, one can refine the mesh at the sharp edge but it's going to increase the element count by a significant amount.

Or is there some other way out of this?
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icem, prism, pyramids, sharp edge, sharp trailing edge

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