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[ANSYS Meshing] missing internal faces and uncovered faces after redifining parts containing surface.

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Old   December 9, 2016, 04:14
Default missing internal faces and uncovered faces after redifining parts containing surface.
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I was working on 3D model and after completing 3D blocking realised that I made a mistake in boundary conditions. So I deleted some parts which contain surfaces and created new parts which contain surfaces (matching with B.C.). after doing this task I checked the quality of mesh (determinant 3*3 and angles) and found that quality is same as previously. but during checking it says that missing internal faces and uncovered faces. so i created new parts(during mesh cheking) for for both missing information seperatly. and found that missing faces (stored in one part during checking) are from more than one parts. Like, missing faces of front surface and side surface . so my questions are:

screen shot of shell mesh is attached here with little description of what exactly happen.
1: how can I assign those missing faces to respective B.Cs (inlet and wall)
2r what should I do during checking so that it will automatically repair the faces without any problem describe.

Sorry if I have not use proper terminology as I am beginner in ICEM. Thanks in advance.
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Old   December 9, 2016, 05:36
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Originally Posted by grv View Post

I was working on 3D model and after completing 3D blocking realised that I made a mistake in boundary conditions. So I deleted some parts which contain surfaces and created new parts which contain surfaces (matching with B.C.). after doing this task I checked the quality of mesh (determinant 3*3 and angles) and found that quality is same as previously. but during checking it says that missing internal faces and uncovered faces. so i created new parts(during mesh cheking) for for both missing information seperatly. and found that missing faces (stored in one part during checking) are from more than one parts. Like, missing faces of front surface and side surface . so my questions are:

screen shot of shell mesh is attached here with little description of what exactly happen.
1: how can I assign those missing faces to respective B.Cs (inlet and wall)
2r what should I do during checking so that it will automatically repair the faces without any problem describe.

Sorry if I have not use proper terminology as I am beginner in ICEM. Thanks in advance.
boundary conditions are defined before starting the blocking normally ,it allows you to proceed in a systematic way .after blocking if you edit or delete certain boundary condition the block associated with that boundary also deleted ,material definition usually done after blocking
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Old   December 9, 2016, 05:38
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Originally Posted by grv View Post

I was working on 3D model and after completing 3D blocking realised that I made a mistake in boundary conditions. So I deleted some parts which contain surfaces and created new parts which contain surfaces (matching with B.C.). after doing this task I checked the quality of mesh (determinant 3*3 and angles) and found that quality is same as previously. but during checking it says that missing internal faces and uncovered faces. so i created new parts(during mesh cheking) for for both missing information seperatly. and found that missing faces (stored in one part during checking) are from more than one parts. Like, missing faces of front surface and side surface . so my questions are:

screen shot of shell mesh is attached here with little description of what exactly happen.
1: how can I assign those missing faces to respective B.Cs (inlet and wall)
2r what should I do during checking so that it will automatically repair the faces without any problem describe.

Sorry if I have not use proper terminology as I am beginner in ICEM. Thanks in advance.
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3d model, missing internal faces, re-defining parts, uncovered faces

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