March 18, 2019, 21:14
Proper Efficient Mesh for NACA 0012 Validation
New Member
Anthony Tang
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 7
Hi guys,
I'm trying to validate a NACA 0012 for a research project but I cannot seem to get the small wall layer height for an appropriate y+ value. I followed this guide and it creates a good enough mesh for invisid flow but not Spallart-Allmarus turbulent. I am using the ansys meshing not ICEM. I know the first height cannot be above a y + value of 1 so for my chord length 1 airfoil I need a first height of around .2mm but I cannot seem to get that height below 2mm. Since I'm using a face meshing I cannot use an inflation and can't seem to get the first layer height smaller. Does anyone know how to make the first height layer smaller / create an inflation in addition to using the face mesh?
CFD online has example mesh with the inflation-like layer but I don't know how it got that. The example can be found here:
Images of the mesh as of now with parameters :
I basically have a face mesh with all edge sizings with 150 division with a strong bias but increasing the divisions or bias doesn't seem to decrease the first layer height. What can I do to get that proper Y+ value?