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August 26, 2011, 13:10 |
block-structured mesh for t-junction
#1 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Germany
Posts: 32
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Hey forum,
I have to do a block-structured mesh for T-junction. There it would be nice, if you could give me some hints in creating a high quality mesh. I'm adding pics of a first shot. I'm also having problems in associating correctly, as you can see in the region of blending greetings, robert |
August 29, 2011, 04:36 |
#2 |
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Can you attach the *.tin file here ?
I could have a look |
August 29, 2011, 06:59 |
#3 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
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At the moment I can just give you the replay-file, maybe you can test it there. Code:
ic_geo_new_family GEOM ic_boco_set_part_color GEOM ic_empty_tetin ic_point {} GEOM pnt.00 0,0,0 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.01 0,0,1 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.02 0.027,0,1 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.03 0.027,0,0 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.04 0,0.027,0 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.05 0,0.027,1 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.06 0,0,0.2 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.07 0,0.027,0.2 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.08 0,0,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.09 0.2,0,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.10 0.2,0,0.2 ic_point {} GEOM pnt.11 0.2,0.027,0.2 ic_curve arc_ctr_rad GEOM crv.00 {pnt.01 pnt.05 pnt.02 0.027000001 0 360} ic_curve arc_ctr_rad GEOM crv.01 {pnt.06 pnt.07 pnt.08 0.027000001 0 360} ic_curve arc_ctr_rad GEOM crv.02 {pnt.10 pnt.11 pnt.09 0.027000001 0 360} ic_curve arc_ctr_rad GEOM crv.03 {pnt.00 pnt.04 pnt.03 0.027000001 0 360} ic_geo_new_family OUT ic_boco_set_part_color OUT ic_surface 2-4crvs OUT srf.00 {0.01 crv.00} ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} ic_geo_delete_family TEMP_TSF_FAM ic_geo_new_family IN1 ic_boco_set_part_color IN1 ic_surface 2-4crvs IN1 srf.01 {0.01 crv.03} ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} ic_geo_delete_family TEMP_TSF_FAM ic_geo_new_family IN2 ic_boco_set_part_color IN2 ic_surface 2-4crvs IN2 srf.02 {0.01 crv.02} ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} ic_geo_delete_family TEMP_TSF_FAM ic_gui_set va_set(name) ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.04 0 ic_curve point GEOM crv.04 {pnt.02 pnt.03} ic_geo_delete_family WALL ic_gui_set va_set(name) ic_delete_geometry curve names crv.05 0 ic_curve point GEOM crv.05 {pnt.08 pnt.09} ic_geo_new_family WALL ic_boco_set_part_color WALL ic_geo_cre_srf_crv_drv_srf WALL srf.03 crv.00 crv.04 1 ic_reinit_geom_objects ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} ic_geo_cre_srf_crv_drv_srf WALL srf.04 crv.02 crv.05 1 ic_reinit_geom_objects ic_set_dormant_pickable point 0 {} ic_set_dormant_pickable curve 0 {} ic_geo_new_family GEOM2 ic_boco_set_part_color GEOM2 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.12 0.027,0.027,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.13 0.027,0,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.14 0.027,0,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.15 0.027,0.027,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.16 -0.027,0.027,0.2 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.17 -0.027,0,0.2 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.18 -0.027,0,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.19 -0.027,0.027,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.20 -0.027,0.027,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.21 -0.027,0,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.22 -0.027,-0.027,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.25 0.027,-0.027,0.173 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.26 0.027,-0.027,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.27 -0.027,-0.027,0.227 ic_point {} GEOM2 pnt.28 -0.027,-0.027,0.2 ic_geo_new_family SOLID ic_boco_set_part_color SOLID ic_hex_initialize_blocking {point pnt.00 point pnt.01 point pnt.02 point pnt.03 point pnt.04 point pnt.05 point pnt.06 point pnt.07 point pnt.08 point pnt.09 point pnt.10 point pnt.11 point WALL.11 point WALL.13 point GEOM.13 point WALL.17 point WALL.18 point WALL.19 point WALL.21 point WALL.22 point pnt.12 point pnt.13 point pnt.14 point pnt.15 point pnt.16 point pnt.17 point pnt.18 point pnt.19 point pnt.20 point pnt.21 point pnt.22 point pnt.25 point pnt.26 point pnt.27 point pnt.28 curve crv.01 curve crv.03 curve crv.04 curve crv.05 curve srf.03e22 curve srf.03e21.2 curve srf.03e21.3 curve srf.03e23.2 curve srf.03e23.3 curve srf.04e32 curve srf.04e31.2 curve srf.04e31.3 curve srf.04e33.2 curve srf.04e33.3 surface srf.00 surface srf.01 surface srf.02 surface srf.03 surface srf.04} SOLID 0 101 ic_hex_switch_blocking root ic_hex_unblank_blocks ic_hex_multi_grid_level ic_hex_switch_blocking root ic_hex_split_grid 21 22 pnt.27 m GEOM OUT IN1 IN2 WALL GEOM2 SOLID ic_hex_split_grid 21 69 pnt.15 m GEOM OUT IN1 IN2 WALL GEOM2 SOLID ic_hex_split_grid 21 37 pnt.03 m GEOM OUT IN1 IN2 WALL GEOM2 SOLID ic_hex_delete_blocks numbers 29 31 ic_hex_delete_blocks numbers 28 ic_hex_collapse_edge 73 89 join keep_first -version 101 fix_first ic_hex_collapse_edge 69 85 join keep_first -version 101 fix_first ic_hex_set_node_location z 0.2 -csys global node_numbers {{ 73 } { 69 }} ic_hex_unstruct_face_type ic_hex_unstruct_face_type ic_hex_create_yblock SOLID 110 106 73 109 105 69 GEOM OUT IN1 IN2 WALL GEOM2 SOLID ic_hex_set_edge_projection 102 178 0 1 srf.03e23.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 21 25 0 1 srf.03e23.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 101 176 0 1 srf.03e23.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 101 102 0 1 srf.03e23.2 ic_hex_create_composite {srf.04e31.3 srf.04e31.2} ic_hex_set_edge_projection 90 166 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 86 90 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 86 162 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 70 74 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_create_composite {srf.03e21.2 srf.03e21.3} ic_hex_set_edge_projection 26 174 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 22 26 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 22 172 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 113 114 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_boco_parts_dim GEOM ic_boco_parts_dim GEOM2 ic_boco_parts_dim IN1 ic_boco_parts_dim IN2 ic_boco_parts_dim OUT ic_boco_parts_dim SOLID ic_boco_parts_dim VORFN ic_boco_parts_dim WALL ic_hex_project_face node_numbers { 22 69 172 168 } { 109 110 113 114 } { 22 26 69 73 } { 26 73 174 170 } { 86 105 90 106 } { 74 166 110 164 } { 70 162 109 160 } { 70 109 74 110 } { 101 102 105 106 } { 21 69 176 180 } { 25 73 178 182 } { 21 25 69 73 } { 73 170 182 184 } { 106 164 182 184 } { 110 170 164 184 } { 69 168 180 185 } { 109 168 160 185 } { 105 160 180 185 } WALL ic_hex_set_mesh 102 106 n 15 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 109 113 n 30 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 110 74 n 15 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 102 178 n 10 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 101 102 n 10 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 90 166 n 10 h1rel 185185185185.0 h2rel 185185185185.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 1e+10 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_create_composite {srf.03e23.3 srf.03e23.2} ic_hex_set_edge_projection 102 178 0 1 srf.03e23.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 21 25 0 1 srf.03e23.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 101 176 0 1 srf.03e23.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 101 102 0 1 srf.03e23.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 90 166 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 86 90 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 70 74 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 86 162 0 1 srf.04e31.3 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 26 174 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 22 26 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 22 172 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_hex_set_edge_projection 113 114 0 1 srf.03e21.2 ic_boco_parts_dim GEOM ic_boco_parts_dim GEOM2 ic_boco_parts_dim IN1 ic_boco_parts_dim IN2 ic_boco_parts_dim OUT ic_boco_parts_dim SOLID ic_boco_parts_dim VORFN ic_boco_parts_dim WALL ic_hex_project_face node_numbers { 26 73 174 170 } { 22 69 172 168 } { 109 110 113 114 } { 22 26 69 73 } { 25 73 178 182 } { 21 25 69 73 } { 101 102 105 106 } { 21 69 176 180 } { 70 162 109 160 } { 86 105 90 106 } { 74 166 110 164 } { 70 109 74 110 } WALL ic_hex_set_mesh 90 166 n 10 h1rel 185185185185.0 h2rel 185185185185.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 1e+10 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_renew ic_hex_set_mesh 182 73 n 5 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 73 170 n 5 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked ic_hex_set_mesh 106 182 n 5 h1rel 0.0 h2rel 0.0 r1 2 r2 2 lmax 0 uniform copy_to_parallel unlocked |
August 29, 2011, 11:31 |
#4 |
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: France
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It doesn't help, because I would like to understand why you did a quarter of O-grid at the junction. So the geometry file would help a lot more than the replay file
Anyway, are you sure you need this quarter of O-grid ? |
August 29, 2011, 12:02 |
#5 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Germany
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No I am not sure, therefore I asked if you have some ideas about meshing a T-junction. I am not very familiar with meshing at all.
First I tested a single cylinder with an O-grid. My plan was to create an O-grid in the T-junction later, too. I made the geometry in ICEM, so if you use my replay-file it creates the geometry and the blocking. |
August 29, 2011, 12:45 |
#6 |
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Is it the exact geometry you want to mesh ?
Because your 2nd tube is not cut at the junction with the main tube. Anyway, I will have a look at it and let you know ! |
September 6, 2011, 12:00 |
#7 |
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November 1, 2011, 22:10 |
T junction
#8 |
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Hi Everyone,
Please I'm very new to ICEM. I have a problem of creating a T juction in ICEM and applying an Ogrid mesh. Please how do I go about this? Thanks in advance akone |
November 2, 2011, 03:35 |
#9 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pune
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You can use similar blocking.
November 2, 2011, 04:10 |
#10 |
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Hi Sushilkumar,
Thanks for your reply. To be honest I'm not sure how to go about it. If you can give a step by step procedure, I'll be truly grateful. Thanks akone |
November 3, 2011, 01:00 |
#11 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
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If you see in this 'T' there are three identical parts. You start with any one. I started with the middle cylinder.
Generate a block for middle cylinder. Associate the edges on both the sides. Split the block vertically. Choosing end faces of these two adjacent blocks create 'O' grid. Now, there will be total eight blocks. Using extrude faces option, extrude the 4 blocks to left and 4 blocks to the right. Move the vertices to respective locations. Assign the respective edges to the curves. This will generate the blocking for half cylinder (cylinder cut along axis). Again using extrude generate the blocks for remaining half cylinder. While doing this you will have to use 'merge vertices' option to sew the generated blocks together to form a complete 'O' grid. I hope this is useful. |
November 3, 2011, 14:25 |
#12 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Germany
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Hi Sushilkumar
Good timing, I wasnt working on this icem problem the last time. So I tried your guide, but I cant finish it. First I made the left cylinder. Then, for the part at the top I made a new block (initialize block) and split it. I made o-grid again and merged the vertices. But at the part in the right, I cant do this. So I tried "create block/extrude faces" like you said, but I cant do the angular faces in the correct manner... |
November 3, 2011, 23:56 |
#13 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Please check,
http://www.4shared.com/folder/KBxQLFI3/_online.html |
November 4, 2011, 12:08 |
#14 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Thx for the Howto. But this is a complete different way to block the T-junct. It works for the example where a small cylinder intersects a big one. But in my case, both have the same diameter and therefore the cells are getting really bad angles:
November 4, 2011, 12:39 |
#15 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Sorry, I didn't realized this.
In your post I guess you have done it in right way. To solve your problem try extruding the inclined faces. and then move the vertices to required place. Hope this helps. |
November 4, 2011, 13:16 |
#16 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Hi Sushilkumar
I just got the other blocking strategy by copying and 90°-rotating the first short cylinder and merging the vertices (see picture). But again my mesh is badly. Would be really nice, if you could show yours. Thx! Greetings, Robert |
November 4, 2011, 13:28 |
#17 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
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This blocking seems perfect. can you make the edges visible and post a snap? That will make the problem clear to me.
November 4, 2011, 13:35 |
#18 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Here you go:
November 4, 2011, 13:55 |
#19 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
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It seems okay. Just associate the edges carefully to the curves. You should get the right mesh.
November 7, 2011, 10:21 |
#20 |
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Is it possible, that you can show your mesh, plz? Greetings, Robert |
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