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to run a replayfile in batch mode from UNIX

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Old   October 5, 2011, 07:31
Default to run a replayfile in batch mode from UNIX
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froztbear is on a distinguished road

I experience some problems while running my replay-file in unix command prompt.
To run it from my computer I always write following in the "shell" window:
vglrun -fps 24 directorysource
To run it in batch mode i just add -batch in the end. And then it seems to start in a batch mode. If I want to run a .rpl file I just add:
-batch -script myreplay.rpl

The first line coming up is "no tetin database available" followed by a lot of "if".
Its hard to explain the problem but is there anyone who have had the same problem?

It works good when I run the script manually in the GUI, but I cannot get it work in batch mode.
How can I know that ICEM is started in batch mode? Does the original commands working in batchmode? For example "ic_chdir mynewdirectory"??

Thank you in advance.
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Old   October 10, 2011, 07:35
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Hello everybody. I have now found the first error controlling either if it is running in batch mode or not. I found a solution and I can launch ICEM from different sources (directories) and I just changed this one.
To find the good source I simply went in to ICEM (gui mode) and ran the script and checked in the log down middle of the GUI (not in the replay script). The differences between those is that the originial log writes the path where everthing happens.
When it is running in batchmode, the line in the UNIX prompt starts with <med>

I still have the problem when I running my script. "no tetin database available". I am loading a .model file inside my script and I will try now to load a tetin file instead. The replayscript is still working fine inside ICEM, it's just some error in the batch mode.

Updating will follow
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Old   October 10, 2011, 10:15
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I have finally reach the root of the problems.
I have a problem when I try to run a script (replay) file when the geometry is a .model file (CATIA v4)
I don't know why it doesn't work but it does not When I run the script starting from a .tin file, I will experience no problem at all..
To create a .tin file I simply try to import a .model file and directly save it as a .tin file. This works perfectly inside ICEM but not in -batch mode. I have tried to do one big script, two different scripts but nothing works.

With one script:
1. import .model
2. save it as .tin file
3. run a script file that will generate topology, global and surface mesh and density.

With two scripts:
1. The first script imports .model file and save it as a .tin file
2. The next script does the point nr 3 in the "with one script"..

Is there any way to run replay file when the geometry is .model?
Does it works for you or is it just me that experience problems when the geometry is not a .tin from the beginning?

Thanks in advance!
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Old   October 18, 2011, 05:11
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Haha! This is a thread with just me and it feels strange.
Just to let you know, I have now solved my problem.

When I ran the script file in the GUI, everything was working.
When I ran the script in batch mode I got the answer that "no tetin database available"

When you load a .model -file inside the GUI, it saves automatically a .tin file on your hard-drive.
Inside the script it was saved in a different way, more like the .tin-file was loaded before the conversion.
Therefor, in batch mode, the .tin file (that still not existed) was asked and therefor I got the output "no tetin database available".

To solve this, I just went in to the script-file and changed the beginning rows so that the conversion and saving of the .tin file was before the loading part.

I hope you got it!

Good luck out there fellows!
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Old   May 13, 2014, 08:00
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In my case I want to load the geometry .tin file from matlab and then play the script(reply) file from matlab. Any idea how to load the goemetry file.


Originally Posted by froztbear View Post
Haha! This is a thread with just me and it feels strange.
Just to let you know, I have now solved my problem.

When I ran the script file in the GUI, everything was working.
When I ran the script in batch mode I got the answer that "no tetin database available"

When you load a .model -file inside the GUI, it saves automatically a .tin file on your hard-drive.
Inside the script it was saved in a different way, more like the .tin-file was loaded before the conversion.
Therefor, in batch mode, the .tin file (that still not existed) was asked and therefor I got the output "no tetin database available".

To solve this, I just went in to the script-file and changed the beginning rows so that the conversion and saving of the .tin file was before the loading part.

I hope you got it!

Good luck out there fellows!
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batch mode, icem mesh, replay script

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