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need help , what to use for that ?

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Old   July 23, 2014, 12:59
Default need help , what to use for that ?
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Hi guys ,
I'm a mechanical engineering masters student having some questions for working on my thesis .
I need some advice on programming languages and software .
First I apologize if I sound like an absolute beginner in such field .

My thesis is based on design of development of ceiling radiant cooling panels model and using it to improve design .

To reach that I should first make allot of calculations for a DOAS system that would end up giving fluid to the CRCP unit . Then after finishing with DOAS system calculations and statistics I would get into the ceiling panel unit in detail.
It's a heat and mass transfer problem on the panel's geometry .

Being an absolute beginner in research field in general and in numerical , cfd and thermal analysis I'm asking you guys which programming language or engineering software should i learn .

I've done allot of search on that and asked people around and I came across opinions saying : learn fortran , learn ansys , learn c , learn python , learn matlab . So I'm not sure where to put my upcoming months effort !
I don't want to dive much into programming for the purpose programming . I only want something to help me with my engineering problem weather in calculation or results representation .

So any experienced opinion would be highly appreciated and very useful to me.
Thanks in advance
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