April 1, 2018, 23:23
Time dependent piezoelectric actuation voltage with system coupling for 2 way fsi
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Francis Hauris
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 1
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I am doing 2 way transient FSI in ANSYS Academic 19.0 Workbench with transient structural, fluent and system coupling using a piezoelectrically actuated structure. I have enabled the ACT piezoelectric and MEMs extension for the piezoelectric actuation.
Everything works fine with a not time dependent actuation voltage.
In transient structural, when setting the actuation voltage with time dependence selected, a table pops up. In the table, there are only two rows to enter voltage into. One at time zero and one at the end time. With those filled in, the simulation still works but because I am trying to use a sine wave actuation voltage, I need many rows in that table (or substeps). I can add more rows by adding time steps to the analysis but the system coupling only works in single time step cases.
When adding a time dependent force I can simply add more time substeps and fill in the resulting bigger table but that doesn't seem to be the case for voltage. Not sure what to do here.
Is there any way to do ANSYS 2 way FSI with a time dependent piezoelectrically actuated structure? Thanks in advance.