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Calculating torque with moving axis

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Old   January 21, 2022, 08:39
Default Calculating torque with moving axis
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Thomas B.
Join Date: Jan 2022
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Hi everyone,
I’m currently working on my Thesis in Energy-Management, and I must simulate some solutions in Ansys Fluent. So far so good, I have managed to learn the basics, create Solutions which make sense...
But now I arrived at a point, where I am stuck and hopefully some of you have an idea, how to solve this problem:

I've got a 2D Simulation of a vertical rotor with blades, which rotate in the system for each own. So, I used Mesh-Motion as Cell Condition for each Blade, relative to a bigger rotating Cell, which works great so far. I can calculate the overall Torque and Force.
The problem I have now, is to calculate the torque of one blade, with the reference Axis in his current position. With Force report, it is possible to get out the torque, when I set the axis there manually for one point, but I need it for a hole circle (360 points). I use Transient method.
I have calculated the coordinates of one Blade around the circle with

x=r*cos(t) and y=r*sin(t) for each angle t and a radius r of 1.5.

For each calculate step, this should be the Moment Centre.

As you can see in the picture, calculation for one point works, for the torque of Rot1 (in red) The Torque of the blue movement works well with the Report file of the moment from all four rotors together.
Are there any solutions, to get the torque of Rot1 referenced to itself for any coordinate, without going every angle manually?
Thank you for your help.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Torque_Rot1.jpg (196.7 KB, 23 views)
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