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How to slove "temperature limited to 1.0000e+00001 in cells.."

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How to slove "temperature limited to 1.0000e+00001 in cells.."

Posted November 22, 2012 at 12:11 by diamondx

This might happen early in your solution, but it should go away as you iterate. What happens is that FLUENT calculates some value that is below 10 K, which is (probably) unreasonable. To keep the simulation from diverging, it discards the value it calculated and uses 10 K insead.

If the warning does not go away as you iterate, try to find where the offeding cell is. You can do this by going to the adapt by iso-value menu and selecting adapt by temperature. Pick a range of temperatures (something like 5 K to 20 K), click "mark", then "manage". A menu will pop up. Now, click "display" and you should be able to see where the cell is that is giving you a problem.

You might find that the cell is near a sharp edge. Since a sharp edge is a discontinuity, FLUENT might have trouble resolving the flow in that region. To fix this, you could add grid in the region of the sharp edge or regenerate your model and round off the edge.

Finally, it might not really matter that much. If it is only one cell out of millions, and it isn't in region in which you are particularly interested, you might be able to just ignore it.
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  1. Old Comment
    hi, i am facing this issue. my mesh min ortho qua is 0.2 and max skewness is 0.97. so i suspect its because of this.
    Posted November 26, 2019 at 11:12 by zaqureshi zaqureshi is offline

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