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OpenFOAM for education

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OpenFOAM for education

Posted October 29, 2010 at 07:30 by maysmech

There is the idea of a special interest group teaching
But I think Professor Janoske has moved from Mosbach to another "bigger" University in Germany.
But there are allready examples of lectures with OpenFoam

also look for what Håkan Nilsson did and follow the year before

The SIG teaching should meat at the openfoamworkshop but this year the SIG Teaching did not come together as you see when you read what happend in Gothenburg.

I think in the past the EU gave some funding for Open Foam projects in the context of teaching. Maybe Professor Jasak can tell you if this is still the case I would contact Professor in the context of teaching anyway, as he is one of the masterbrains of OF and maybe he is willing to share some material for lectures or will even come to your campus if you manage to find the right words.

As you are in Ireland you might want to contact the group of Professor Alojz Ivankovic in Dublin! ;-) they are very very familiar with OF =>I guess ;-).

Another important supporter in teaching is Professor Eric_Paterson
he will organise the next OF workshop.

Not to forget Milan, Montreal and Munich ...

Summa summarum: I guess OF has great potential in academics, and there are efforts to create material for lectures and there are most certainly people that are willing to share material for lectures

By elvis
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