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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

What I've done in the past years and may need someone else to pick it back up

Posted August 18, 2020 at 18:11 by wyldckat
Updated August 22, 2020 at 07:13 by wyldckat

This is a blog post aimed to pass on the baton of the work I've done in the past to anyone who wants to pick it back up partially or completely, which I was still doing (or trying to do) until Hanging my volunteer gloves and moving to a new phase of my life.

This blog post could potentially be edited as time goes on and I remember about things I've done in the past and which should be picked up by someone else:
  1. Generating version template pages and logos for said versions
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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

Hanging my volunteer gloves and moving to a new phase of my life

Posted August 18, 2020 at 18:10 by wyldckat
Updated August 19, 2020 at 07:47 by wyldckat

TL;DR: As of 2020, I can only help during office hours, at work, if paid and/or affects our projects, namely what we use in OpenFOAM itself and blueCFD-Core.

Full post:
So nearly 2 years after my blog post Why I contribute to the OpenFOAM forum(s), wiki(s) and the public community, I'm writing this blog post you are reading now.

My last 3 thread posts at the forums in CFD-Online this year, were on May 7th, February 27th and January 20th. And before that, it was 10...
Retired Super Moderator
Posted in Rantings
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Quick notes on testing optimization flags with OpenFOAM et al

Posted January 20, 2020 at 19:45 by wyldckat

Greetings to all!

Tobi sent me an email earlier today related to this and I might as well leave a public note as well, to share with everyone the suggestions I had... so this is a quick copy-paste-adapt for future reference, until I or anyone else bothers with writing this at

I have no idea yet for the current generation of Ryzen CPUs (Ryzen 3000 series), but I do know of this report for EPYC:
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A few thoughts about today's CPU era...

Posted January 6, 2019 at 16:44 by wyldckat

So for whatever reason I went on a nostalgic thought process an hour or so ago and began reading about:
The nostalgic reason for this was that I had briefly gotten a chance to work with a couple of Intel Phi Co-processors a couple of years ago and never got the time...
Retired Super Moderator
Posted in Rantings
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Rating: 4 votes, 5.00 average.

Why I contribute to the OpenFOAM forum(s), wiki(s) and the public community

Posted August 24, 2018 at 18:07 by wyldckat
Updated August 25, 2018 at 07:50 by wyldckat

Here is the TL;DR bullet list:
  1. To help others (and possibly gain IRL Karma points).
  2. To train/gain/increase/improve my experience, knowledge, patience and user support skills, in a way that no PhD or academic course could ever do.
  3. To feel accomplished, in a way similar to playing video games:
    • If I can do this task, I can do other tasks as well. If not at the moment, I'll try and try again until I can overcome this (semi-artificial) hurdle.
And if you can find the time and are willing to do...
Retired Super Moderator
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