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need assistance with PatchFunction1/ csv table (willing to pay)

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Old   August 15, 2022, 15:44
Exclamation need assistance with PatchFunction1/ csv table (willing to pay)
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Utkan Erdem
Join Date: Sep 2020
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Hello foamers,

I need assistance with my master's thesis and am willing to pay since I don't have much time left.
I'm digging into a special type of Function1, the PatchFunction1 type, where it is possible to specify time and space varying functions.

I am analyzing the surface temperature of an Earth-orbiting satellite and in this analysis, I am using two programs namely; OpenFOAM and a Matlab Simulink program, XHPS. My goal is to create an interface for these two programs so that they exchange information (heat loads are given, surface temperatures are obtained, then using these surface temperatures the orbital perturbations are calculated, a new orbit is given, etc.) within each time step. Initially, I created the satellite mesh in OpenFOAM and managed the other program to understand the boundaries of this mesh. Then XHPS gave the external surface heat loads on this given orbit, which is projected onto the satellite as a data set in CSV format.

In this CSV data set, every column represents the heat loads for each satellite patch, and the rows represent the time steps. My current goal is to make OpenFOAM read the correct cell from this CSV data and put it in the correct place within the externalWallHeatFluxTemperature BC in the T file. This way, my case would be able to read the CSV data that has varying heat fluxes with every time step and I would obtain the temperature field within my satellite model. Then using this temperature data, new heat loads are calculated, etc.

In a nutshell; I have a csv file of heat fluxes that are changing with time. I want to use externallWallHeatTemperature BC but with one difference, the values on each patch for this BC will vary with time, ideally, it should be read from a particular csv file. I looked into uniformFixedValue and uniformFixedGradient BC's but couldn't obtain a proper result.

For more information hit me up and we can discuss the price and the task in more detail.
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csv file, externalwallheatfluxtemp, heatflux, patchfunction1, time-varying bc
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