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ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.

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Old   January 2, 2013, 05:00
Default ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.
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smnaryal is on a distinguished road

I am trying to simulate flow for a Pelton runner. I have two fluid domains: one is stationary and the other is rotating. There are no errors till the CFX Pre stage.

I am using Ansys 13 cfx on Intel Core i5-2400 3.10 ghz quadcore processor with 16gb of ram.

I am getting the following error when using the CFX solver manager:

Run mode: serial run

Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:3424)
Job started: Wed Jan 02 14:25:18 2013

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 5497120.0 606.29 121.26 21473124.0 2425.17
Integer 1215248.6 134.03 26.81 4747064.5 536.13
Character 3799.5 0.42 0.08 3710.5 0.42
Logical 80.0 0.01 0.00 312.5 0.04
Double 1208.0 0.13 0.03 9437.5 1.07

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| The total number of words needed for the Real stack exceeds the m- |
| aximum supported by the flow solver: 2,147,483,647. The solver w- |
| ill continue with the stack size clipped to that value. |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| *** Run-time memory allocation error *** |
| Not enough free memory is currently available on the system. |
| Could not allocate requested memory - exiting! |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 2. No results file |
| has been created. |

Is this problem related to the hardware or with my domains/meshing? There are around 9 million nodes for both the domains.

I have attached the cfx-pre setup information file.

I would be very grateful for any suggestions/help?

Thank you
Attached Files
File Type: txt cfx_pre_setup.txt (19.4 KB, 58 views)
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Old   January 2, 2013, 05:31
Default more information
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smnaryal is on a distinguished road
when i ran the solver using "HP MPI local Parallel" run mode, i got the following information:

Partitioning |
| |

| |
| ANSYS CFX Partitioner 13.0 |
| |
| Version 2010.10.01-23.02 Sat Oct 2 02:31:59 GMTDT 2010 |
| |
| Executable Attributes |
| |
| single-int32-64bit-novc8-noifort-novc6-optimised-supfort-noprof-nos|
| |
| Copyright 2010 ANSYS Inc. |

| Job Information |

Run mode: partitioning run

Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:400)
Job started: Wed Jan 02 15:09:08 2013

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 45702.8 5.04 1.01 178526.6 20.16
Integer 794415.0 87.62 17.52 3103183.5 350.47
Character 3349.3 0.37 0.07 3270.8 0.37
Logical 80.0 0.01 0.00 312.5 0.04
Double 1200.5 0.13 0.03 9378.9 1.06

| Mesh Statistics |

Domain Name : Rotating

Total Number of Nodes = 8784713

Total Number of Elements = 45100864
Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 42012784
Total Number of Prisms = 2999474
Total Number of Hexahedrons = 67983
Total Number of Pyramids = 20623

Total Number of Faces = 735843

Domain Name : Stationary

Total Number of Nodes = 282063

Total Number of Elements = 233951
Total Number of Prisms = 366
Total Number of Hexahedrons = 233585

Total Number of Faces = 151848

Global Statistics :

Global Number of Nodes = 9066776

Global Number of Elements = 45334815
Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 42012784
Total Number of Prisms = 2999840
Total Number of Hexahedrons = 301568
Total Number of Pyramids = 20623

Global Number of Faces = 887691

Domain Interface Name : RSIF

Discretization type = GGI
Intersection type = Bitmap

| Vertex Based Partitioning |

Partitioning of domain: Rotating

- Partitioning tool: MeTiS multilevel k-way algorithm
- Number of partitions: 2
- Number of graph-nodes: 8784713
- Number of graph-edges: 111658672

Partitioning of domain: Stationary

- Partitioning tool: MeTiS multilevel k-way algorithm
- Number of partitions: 2
- Number of graph-nodes: 282063
- Number of graph-edges: 1595044

| Partitioning Information |

Partitioning information for domain: Rotating

| Elements | Vertices | Faces |
| Part | Number % | Number % %Ovlp | Number % |
| Full | 45100864 | 8784713 | 735843 |
| 1 | 20508775 45.3 | 4416600 50.0 0.6 | 406956 55.0 |
| 2 | 24726738 54.7 | 4418988 50.0 0.5 | 332622 45.0 |
| Sum | 45235513 100.0 | 8835588 100.0 0.6 | 739578 100.0 |

Partitioning information for domain: Stationary

| Elements | Vertices | Faces |
| Part | Number % | Number % %Ovlp | Number % |
| Full | 233951 | 282063 | 151848 |
| 1 | 130560 54.2 | 151375 51.1 0.3 | 97396 61.3 |
| 2 | 110114 45.8 | 144598 48.9 9.3 | 61599 38.7 |
| Sum | 240674 100.0 | 295973 100.0 4.7 | 158995 100.0 |

| Partitioning CPU-Time Requirements |

- Preparations 6.965E+01 seconds
- Low-level mesh partitioning 1.243E+01 seconds
- Gather zone interface information 6.240E-02 seconds
- Global partitioning information 1.466E+00 seconds
- Element and face partitioning information 2.184E+00 seconds
- Vertex partitioning information 4.212E-01 seconds
- Partitioning information compression 7.800E-02 seconds
- Summed CPU-time for mesh partitioning 8.681E+01 seconds

| Job Information |

Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:400)
Job finished: Wed Jan 02 15:10:45 2013
Total CPU time: 9.493E+01 seconds
or: ( 0: 0: 1: 34.927 )
( Days: Hours: Minutes: Seconds )

Total wall clock time: 9.700E+01 seconds
or: ( 0: 0: 1: 37.000 )
( Days: Hours: Minutes: Seconds )

| |
| Solver |
| |

| |
| ANSYS CFX Solver 13.0 |
| |
| Version 2010.10.01-23.02 Sat Oct 2 02:31:59 GMTDT 2010 |
| |
| Executable Attributes |
| |
| single-int32-64bit-novc8-noifort-novc6-optimised-supfort-noprof-nos|
| |
| Copyright 2010 ANSYS Inc. |

| Job Information |

Run mode: parallel run (MPI)

Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:3660)
Par. Process: Master running on mesh partition: 1
Solver Build: Sat Oct 2 02:31:59 GMTDT 2010
Attributes: single-int32-64bit-novc8-noifort-novc6-optimised-su...
Job started: Wed Jan 02 15:10:47 2013

Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:732)
Par. Process: Slave running on mesh partition: 2
Solver Build: Sat Oct 2 02:31:59 GMTDT 2010
Attributes: single-int32-64bit-novc8-noifort-novc6-optimised-su...
Job started: Wed Jan 02 15:10:47 2013

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

Allocated storage in: Kwords

Partition | Real | Integer | Character| Logical | Double
1 | 2813569.8 | 630996.4 | 3800.9 | 80.0 | 1208.0
| 615.93 | 138.13 | 0.83 | 0.02 | 0.26
| 136.32 | 30.57 | 0.18 | 0.00 | 0.06
| 10990506.0 | 2464829.5 | 3711.8 | 78.1 | 9437.5
| 2463.73 | 552.54 | 0.83 | 0.02 | 2.12

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| The total number of words needed by the master for the Real stack |
| exceeds the maximum supported by the flow solver: 2,147,483,647. |
| Please reduce the memory usage. |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine MEMPAR |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created. |

End of solution stage.
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Old   January 2, 2013, 06:11
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Going to 2 partitions has reduced the real stack size from 5.5GB to 2.8GB. The answer should be obvious - you need at least 3 partitions for this to run, then the partitions will be under the 2.1GB limit.
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Old   January 2, 2013, 08:41
Default thank u mate
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smnaryal is on a distinguished road
Thank you mate. That did the trick but i had to reduce to the number of nodes too.

So the main idea is increasing the number of partitions if there is stack overflow?

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Old   January 2, 2013, 10:23
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Chris DeGroot
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The point is you were running out of memory, so either you need more memory per processor or you need to reduce memory useage per processor. One way to do this is to use more partitions since this distributes storage over the partitions making the useage per processor less so you don't run out of memory.
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Old   January 3, 2013, 02:46
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Originally Posted by cdegroot View Post
The point is you were running out of memory, so either you need more memory per processor or you need to reduce memory useage per processor. One way to do this is to use more partitions since this distributes storage over the partitions making the useage per processor less so you don't run out of memory.
Are there any rules on how many partitions I can use?
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Old   January 3, 2013, 05:28
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ci5tbuptin1 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by smnaryal View Post
Hello<br />
<br />
<b>I am trying to simulate flow for a Pelton runner. I have two fluid domains: one is stationary and the other is rotating. There are no errors till the CFX Pre stage.<br />
<br />
I am using Ansys 13 cfx on Intel Core i5-2400 3.10 ghz quadcore processor with 16gb of ram.<br />
<br />
I am getting the following error when using the CFX solver manager:</b><br />
<br />
Run mode: serial run<br />
<br />
Host computer: RENP-PC (PID:3424)<br />
Job started: Wed Jan 02 14:25:18 2013<br />
<br />
<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
<br />
Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node<br />
<br />
Real 5497120.0 606.29 121.26 21473124.0 2425.17<br />
Integer 1215248.6 134.03 26.81 4747064.5 536.13<br />
Character 3799.5 0.42 0.08 3710.5 0.42<br />
Logical 80.0 0.01 0.00 312.5 0.04<br />
Double 1208.0 0.13 0.03 9437.5 1.07<br />
<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |<br />
| Message: |<br />
| The total number of words needed for the Real stack exceeds the m- |<br />
| aximum supported by the flow solver: 2,147,483,647. The solver w- |<br />
| ill continue with the stack size clipped to that value. |<br />
| |<br />
| |<br />
| |<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |<br />
| Message: |<br />
| *** Run-time memory allocation error *** |<br />
| Not enough free memory is currently available on the system. |<br />
| Could not allocate requested memory - exiting! |<br />
| |<br />
| |<br />
| |<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |<br />
| |<br />
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 2. No results file |<br />
| has been created. |<br />
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<br />
<br />
<br />
<b>Is this problem related to the hardware or with my domains/meshing? There are around 9 million nodes for both the domains.</b><br />
<br />
<b><i>I have attached the cfx-pre setup information file.</i></b><br />
<br />
I would be very grateful for any suggestions/help?<br />
<br />
Thank you
<br />
<br />
up cho b?n
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Old   January 3, 2013, 19:09
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You can use as many partitions as you have licenses for. But note that simulation speed will reduce if you have too many partitions, and licenses cost money so the value for money equation is more restrictive again.
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Old   September 15, 2017, 10:09
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hi everyone.i have same problame but i dont know how can I partitiorns my memory .coud you help me?
| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| The total number of words needed for the Real stack exceeds the m- |
| aximum supported by the flow solver: 2,147,483,647. The solver w- |
| ill continue with the stack size clipped to that value. |
| |
| |
| |

| Host Memory Information (Mbytes) |
| Host | System | Allocated | % |
| ARMAN-PC | 4003.16 | 13073.66 | 326.58 |

| ERROR #333100220 has occurred in subroutine Out_Memory. |
| Message: |
| |
| The allocated memory exceeds the system memory on 1 host(s). |
| |
| The logical expert parameter "enforce system memory limit" |
| controls whether this is a fatal error. |
| |
| The current setting is: fatal |
| |
| Allocating more than the system memory may result in slow or |
| unreliable operation and is not recommended. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created. |

End of solution stage.
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Old   September 17, 2017, 22:07
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Are you using 64 bit CFX on a 64 bit OS? You need to do this for large models.
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Old   December 20, 2017, 10:56
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AJ FSI is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone!

I am also facing the same trouble!! I am not able to find the solution for this problem.

Following is my output:
| Job Information at Start of Run |

Run mode: partitioning run

Host computer: atlas6-c09

Job started: Wed Dec 20 19:42:05 2017

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

| Real | Integer | Character | Logical | Double
Mwords | 150.63 | 2275.48 | 6.90 | 0.12 | 0.60
Mbytes | 574.61 | 8680.26 | 6.58 | 0.46 | 4.58

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| The total number of words needed for the[B] Integer stack exceeds th- |
| e maximum supported by the standard partitioner: 2,147,483,647. |
| The run will continue with the stack size clipped to that value. |
| If the standard partitioner runs out of memory you will need to |
| run the large problem partitioner. |
| |

| Host Memory Information (Mbytes) |
| Host | System | Allocated | % |
| atlas6-c09 | 48254.30 | 9266.49 | 19.20 |

| The MeTiS partitioning method allocates additional memory. |
| Total memory usage will therefore exceed the values shown above. |

| Topology Simplification |

| ****** Warning ****** |
| |
| Topology simplification is activated with the following |
| restrictions: |
| |
| - Mesh regions referenced only within User Fortran and NOT |
| in the command file will cause the solver to stop. |
| - The solver will stop during any "Edit Run in Progress" step |
| if new 2D regions are referenced. |

| Mesh Statistics |

Domain Name : Default Domain

Total Number of Nodes = 22294234

Total Number of Elements = 92951086
Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 92951086

Total Number of Faces = 20150966

| Vertex Based Partitioning |

Partitioning of domain: Default Domain

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Signal caught: Abnormal termination |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: SIG_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX partitioner exited with return code 1. |

The model works well for the less number of elements. But how to solve this error in CFX Pre? Please provide us your suggestions!

Thank you,
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Old   December 20, 2017, 17:32
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Have you read the error message? It says "If the standard partitioner runs out of memory you will need to run the large problem partitioner." Doesn't it tell you exactly what to do?

Also note that for large simulations you need to be running 64 bit CFX on a 64 bit OS.
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error#001100279, real stack exceed, stack size

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