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Temperature at a velocity/mass flow outlet

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Old   July 5, 2014, 01:17
Default Temperature at a velocity/mass flow outlet
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I see that CFX always gathers the outlet temperature from the solution ( It's been a while that I shifted more to using Fluent than CFX but I'm mostly sure about this outlet temperature treatment in CFX).

Could someone please elaborate on how CFX does this, the intention is to know this and then some how get Fluent work in the same way (may be by a UDF if required)

My problem is as follows:

I'm dealing with the heat transfer in an internal flow, a mass flow needs to be specified at the outlet but in Fluent it is possible to have only pressure outlets and a mass flow inlet with outward normals needs to be used in Fluent for a mass flow outlet

When heat transfer is involved, with reference to pressure outlets Fluent asks for backflow temperature and gathers the outflow temperature from the solution but now because I have a velocity outlet which is modeled in Fluent rather as a mass flow inlet with outward normals, Fluent asks for a flow temperature at the boundary but I want this to be a part of the solution.

therefore I'd like to know how CFX applies outlet temperature and I intend to implement it in Fluent.

Also I'd like to know if applying a volume averaged temperature at the outlet would make sense.

I'd appreciate any help on this.
Best regards,
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Old   July 8, 2014, 19:35
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
This is all explained in the CFX documentation. At outlets the temperature is convected from inside the domain. At openings with outflow the temperature is convected, if inflow it uses your defined temperature.
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