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velocity profile at a ducted turbine intake

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Old   September 29, 2015, 13:44
Post velocity profile at a ducted turbine intake
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Hi Colleagues,

I’m just a beginner, learning through the tutorials and trying to duplicate the analysis I see in the research papers.

According to the theory, wind flows can be concentrated by duct, thus the wind velocity can be increased. This is proved in a study, by simulation. My simulation is completely different and I want to know the reason.
Here are the dimensions of duct:
Here is the simulation result of the study (velocity profile):
Here is the simulation result of the study (pressure profile):

In my simulations, the projected air flow does not completely get into the duct; instead large amount of it flows around the duct. Since, only small amount of flow flows into the duct, the velocity at the ‘intake’ is much smaller than the actual wind velocity. I’m not really sure,
- if I define wrong boundary conditions or set wrong simulation settings
- if the simulation in the research paper is wrong (probably not :P)
The settings I used in simulation:
- Analysis Type: Steady state
- Material: Air Ideal Gas, Pressure: reference pressure 1 Atm
- Inlet domain-> Normal speed: 4m/s,
- Outlet domain-> static domain, relative pressure: 0 Pa
- Wall domain-> No slip wall, roughness: smooth wall
Here are my simulation results:

Thank you for your dear comments,
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Old   September 29, 2015, 21:02
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
That is correct. The throat causes a high pressure region and the high pressure pushes air to the side so less air goes into the duct. This is all as expected. Your theory is going to have to account for this air which doe snot pass through the duct if you want your theory to be accurate.
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cfx, concentrated, ducted, shrouded wind turbine, wind

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