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Output from the Monitor point command

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Old   November 20, 2002, 22:08
Default Output from the Monitor point command
Posts: n/a
I used the Monitor point option to monitor the values of the variables at specific points. I was able do every thing correctly and when i gave the command cfx5dfile <file> -read-monitor in the command line window it gave me the output in the same window. but it was not organised and i couldn't interpret anything from the output. Is there any way to represent the output in an orderly manner?

Also i want to know,

1) What are these "variable values" actually representing? Do they represent the value assigned to the variable at that particular location during a particular iteration?

2) what is the use of monitoring the values of the variables at specific location?

A small part of the output in the command line window: position is represented by values of x,y,z and i am looking for values of velocity and pressure

1,1,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.00 0000e+000,8.328710e-003,8.0742 84e-002,1.958952e-002,1.631502e-001,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+ 000,0.000000e+000,N.A.,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000 ,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,N .A.,0.000000e+000,1.049886e-002,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,N.A.,0.000000e+000 ,1 .073487e+001,-8.658192e-002,0.000000e+000,N.A.,0.000000e+000,N.A.,N.A.,N.A .,N.A. ,N.A.,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,9. 919345e-001,N.A.,0.000000e+000 ,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.00000 0e+000,0.000000e+000 2,2,8.998168e-003,6.741356e-002,1.061152e-002,9.612885e-002,1.291642e-001,6.8318 25e-001,1.693573e-002,1.342751e-001,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,-3.322603e-003,3.728448e -006,1.534501e-001,N.A.,0.000000e+000,1.767836e-003,1.343080e-005,-4.798342e-001 ,N.A.,0.000000e+000,6.924712e+001,-6.454031e-005,-6.744074e-001,N.A.,0.000000e+0 00,1.073615e+001,-1.068251e+000,0.000000e+000,N.A.,0.000000e+000,N.A .,N.A.,N.A., N.A.,N.A.,2.168051e-003,-6.903578e-003,9.902599e-001,9.004997e-001,N.A.,-1.53551 1e-001,4.804003e-001,6.218176e-001,9.080146e-005,-5.570350e-004,5.258998e-002 3,3,3.882459e-003,1.672409e-002,4.803996e-003,3.757142e-002,1.077458e-001,2.0314 98e-001,6.374570e-003,3.777825e-002,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,N.A.,-2.346738e-003,-1.683941 e-003,1.500690e-001,N.A.,0.000000e+000,9.927135e-004,-2.254223e-004,-4.596257e-0 01,N.A.,0.000000e+000,1.101394e+002,-2.305558e-001,-1.472620e+000,N.A.,0.000000e +000,1.073759e+001,-3.375709e+000,0.000000e+000,N.A.,0.000000e+000,N.A .,N.A.,N.A

Thanks, swapnil.
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