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command editor

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Old   January 12, 2004, 16:32
Default command editor
Atit Koonsrisuk
Posts: n/a
I am using CFX-5.6. In CFX-5.5.1, I have used the command

------------------------------------- !open (OUTFILE_r, ">ModelWater_EntroRef25_roof.dat"); !for ($i=0; $i<=15; $i++) { #calculate a new value of Z !$Z = 0.955 - $i * 0.06; # change the plane location PLANE: Plane 1 Z = $Z [m] END

# print the output to file, note that the output has now been changed to a # simple comma delimetered format !($Press, $units) = evaluate('massFlowAve(Pressure)@Plane 1'); !($Temp, $units) = evaluate('massFlowAve(Temperature)@Plane 1'); !($Vel, $units) = evaluate('massFlowAve(Velocity)@Plane 1'); !($Den, $units) = evaluate('massFlowAve(Density)@Plane 1'); !($MassF, $units) = evaluate('massFlow@Plane 1'); !print OUTFILE_r "$Z $Press $Temp $Vel $Den $MassF \n"; !} !close OUTFILE_r; ----------------------------------------

and it works properly. However, in CFX-5.6, I got the message:

--------------------------------------- ERROR Evaluation of 'massFlowAve(Pressure)@Plane 1' is undefined. ERROR Evaluation of 'massFlowAve(Temperature)@Plane 1' is undefined. ERROR Evaluation of 'massFlowAve(Velocity)@Plane 1' is undefined. ERROR Evaluation of 'massFlowAve(Density)@Plane 1' is undefined. ------------------------------------------

What is the problem? Please suggest me. Thank you very much.

Atit Koonsrisuk
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Old   January 12, 2004, 17:24
Default Re: command editor
Atit Koonsrisuk
Posts: n/a
I also try this one:

! $Temp = massFlowAve("Temperature", "Plane 1");

Then I got the message

ERROR Evaluation of 'massFlowAve' is undefined.

Even I have created 'Plane1' in CFX-Post already, but if I use

! $Temp = massFlowAve("Temperature", "in");

when 'in' is the 2D region that I defined in CFX-Build, and use it as one of the boundary conditions in CFX-Pre. It works! However I want to calculate the properties on several planes that I create after Solver. Could someone suggest me please? Thank you very much.

Atit Koonsrisuk
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Old   January 13, 2004, 03:44
Default Re: command editor
Atit Koonsrisuk
Posts: n/a
I copied the following instructions from the manual and pasted in the 'command editor':

ISOSURFACE: Iso1 Variable = Pressure Value = 15000 [Pa] Colour = 1,0,0 Transparency = 0.5 END

After pressing 'Process' button, I got the following output:

ERROR CCL validation failed with message: Error: Essential parameter 'Location' not present in CALCULATOR: Error: Essential parameter 'Function' not present in CALCULATOR:

How can I fix this? Thank you very much.

Atit Koonsrisuk
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