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Ask for help: CFX solution error

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Old   December 6, 2021, 02:35
Default Ask for help: CFX solution error
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Han changho
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novice_han is on a distinguished road
Hello, I am a student studying CFX.

I am doing CFD to check the heat exchange state of the fin-and-tube heat exchanger, but an error occurs and I ask this question.

The error is, after setup, the solution does not work at all, and the message "Update failed for the Solution component in Fluid Flow (CFX). The solver failed with a non-zero exit code of : 2" is displayed.

I am attaching my CFX capture file, so please advise.

thank you.

| |
| Partitioning |
| |

| |
| ANSYS(R) CFX(R) Partitioner |
| |
| 2020 R2 |
| Build 20.2 2020-05-29T15:06:09.465000 |
| Fri May 29 17:25:52 GMTDT 2020 |
| |
| Executable Attributes |
| |
| double-64bit-int32-archfort-optimised-std-lcomp |
| |
| (C) 1996-2020 ANSYS, Inc. |
| |
| All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication |
| is prohibited. This product is subject to U.S. laws governing |
| export and re-export. For full Legal Notice, see documentation. |

| Job Information at Start of Run |

Run mode: partitioning run

Host computer: DESKTOP-HGJOG82 (PID:9056)

Job started: Mon Dec 6 15:11:01 2021

| License Information |

License Cap: ANSYS CFX Solver (> 512K Nodes)
License Cap: Parallel
License ID: DESKTOP-QE253AB-SYSTEM-4940-452479

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

| Real | Integer | Character | Logical | Double
Mwords | 302.86 | 604.04 | 11.33 | 0.12 | 0.00
Mbytes | 2310.64 | 2304.24 | 10.81 | 0.46 | 0.00

| Host Memory Information (Mbytes) |
| Host | System | Allocated | % |
| DESKTOP-HGJOG82 | 65369.57 | 4626.15 | 7.08 |

| The MeTiS partitioning method allocates additional memory. |
| Total memory usage will therefore exceed the values shown above. |

| Topology Simplification |

| ****** Warning ****** |
| |
| Topology simplification is activated with the following |
| restrictions: |
| |
| - Mesh regions referenced only within User Fortran and NOT |
| in the command file will cause the solver to stop. |
| - The solver will stop during any "Edit Run in Progress" step |
| if new 2D regions are referenced. |

| |
| ACTION REQUIRED : Increase the file catalogue size. |
| |
| If the situation persists please contact the CFX Customer Helpline |
| giving the following details:- |
| Current catalogue size : 230867 |

Details of error:-
Error detected by routine MAKLNK

Current Directory : /FLOW/MESH/TSTEP0/CLOOP0/ZIF2/BELGP552

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX partitioner exited with return code 1. |

| For CFX runs launched from Workbench, the final locations of |
| directories and files generated may differ from those shown. |

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg CFX_1_model.jpg (83.4 KB, 12 views)
File Type: jpg CFX_2_mesh.jpg (83.9 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg CFX_3_setup.jpg (66.9 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg CFX_4_solution_error_message.jpg (29.7 KB, 9 views)
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Old   December 6, 2021, 04:16
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
The snippet from the output file is the one with the information in it. Workbench is useless for debugging.

(Oops, my original post was wrong. Here is a corrected one )

Your memory is OK, it is failing to get the catalog size right. This is usually caused by models with very complex topology, with lots of surfaces and faces.

The best way to fix this problem is to load you mesh in a mesh editing program (eg ICEM) and edit your mesh so the hundreds of surfaces are merged into the handful you actually need. So by default every surface is its own face - when there are too many you get catalog size errors.

An alternate way is to use a different partitioning algorithm (eg recursive bisection). It might not work, but if it does it is a quick and easy fix.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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Old   December 6, 2021, 07:08
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
You can also try to increase the memory allocated by CFX, or specifically increase the catalogue size.
You can find these in these "Define Run"-window of the Solver manager by ticking "Show Advanced Control"
Then under Solver > Solver Memory

If this does not help, and you the MAKLNK error keeps on appearing, then your setup is incorrect.
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Old   December 6, 2021, 08:10
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
Correction: your error occurs in the partitioning stage.
So, in the Advanced Control menu go to Partioner > Detailed Memory Overrides
And change settings here...

It the error persists, you could try a different partitioning method that requires less memory, like recursive bisection. Alternatively, use a directional method. I would use the z-direction in your case.
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