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CFX Solver Memory Error

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Old   March 19, 2008, 06:39
Default CFX Solver Memory Error
Posts: n/a

I have a large mesh file that I am trying to solve using CFX v11. If I try and run it I get the requested memory allocation error, CFX is asking for about 6Gb of memory, The system has 16Gb (1.25Gb Hardware the rest virtual). The run fails due to 32bit Windows only being able to allocate a maximum of 2Gb RAM per process.

I would like to know how I could get around this problem? I tried running in parallel on one machine with 8 and 6 partitions, although I dont really know what this means and if I have set it up right. When I do this I get the following error:

+---------------------------------------------------+ | Job Information | +---------------------------------------------------+

Run mode: partitioning run

Host computer: LAPTOP Job started: Tue Mar 18 19:31:04 2008

+--------------------------------------------------+ | Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be | less) | +--------------------------------------------------+

Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 20333.5 6.89 1.25 79427.7 27.55 Integer 260089.3 88.11 15.94 1015973.9 352.43 Character 2404.7 0.81 0.15 2348.3 0.81 Logical 58.5 0.02 0.00 228.5 0.08 Double 540.5 0.18 0.03 4222.3 1.46

+---------------------------------------------------+ | Mesh Statistics | +---------------------------------------------------+

Domain Name : Domain 1

Total Number of Nodes = 2951951

Total Number of Elements = 16316348

Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 16316348

Total Number of Faces = 626924

Domain Interface Name : DentBack

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : DentBase

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : DentFront

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 3.50E-07

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : DentIB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 7.71E-05

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 7.11E-09

Domain Interface Name : DentOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 5.43E-05

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : DentTop

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 1.12E-07

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEBack

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 8.67E-09

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEBackOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEBase

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 2.12E-08

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEBaseOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEFront

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTEFrontOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTETop

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 1.96E-08

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : SlatTETopOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTEBack

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 3.44E-08

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTEBackOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTEBase

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 4.56E-09

Domain Interface Name : WingTEBaseOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTEFront

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTEFrontOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTETop

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

Domain Interface Name : WingTETopOB

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 0.00E+00

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 0.00E+00

+------------------------------------------------------+ | Partitioning Information | +------------------------------------------------------+

Partitioning of domain: Domain 1

- Partitioning tool: MeTiS multilevel k-way algorithm - Number of partitions: 6 - Number of graph-nodes: 2951951 - Number of graph-edges: 39163518

+------------------------------------------------------+ | An error has occurred in cfx5solve: | |The ANSYS CFX partitioner exited with return code 3. | +------------------------------------------------------+

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.

Could this return code 3 mean I have setup the partioner incorrectly? If so could someone advise on the correct way to do it?



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Old   March 19, 2008, 08:22
Default Re: CFX Solver Memory Error
fat bug
Posts: n/a
I think a 32 bit processor can only address 4 gb of ram. That's probably the bottle neck.
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