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CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?

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Old   November 10, 2008, 08:39
Default CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
Hi, I am not able to run the session file for tutorial 9. I am using the followng installations with CFX 11 on a 32 bit laptop. are the version okay? and is it important to maintain the sequence of installation. Kindly suggest. Thanks -MOHAN

1.Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition 2.Microsoft windows SDK for windows server 2008 3.Intel Fortran complier 10.06
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Old   November 11, 2008, 19:38
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 + Microsoft Platform SDK for windows server 2003 + Intel Visual Fortan 9.0/9.1, for any Windows XP 32 bits or Windows XP 64 bits.

System Requirements Processor Terminology Intel compilers support three platforms: general combinations of processor and operating system type. This section explains the terms that Intel uses to describe the platforms in its documentation, installation procedures and support site.

IA-32 IA-32 (Intel Architecture, 32-bit) refers to systems based on 32-bit processors generally compatible with the Intel Pentium® II processor, (for example, Intel® Core™ , Pentium® 4, Pentium® D, Celeron® or Intel® Xeon®), or processors from other manufacturers supporting the same instruction set, running a 32-bit operating system. Intel EM64T Intel® EM64T (Intel® Extended Memory 64 Technology) refers to systems based on IA-32 processors which have 64-bit architectural extensions, running a 64-bit operating system such as Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional x64 Edition or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition. Systems based on the AMD* Athlon64* and Opteron* processors running a 64-bit operating system are also supported by Intel compilers for EM64T-based applications. Intel Itanium® Refers to systems based on the Intel Itanium® 2 processor running a 64-bit operating system. Native and Cross-Platform Development The term "native" refers to building an application that will run on the same platform that it was built on; for example, building on IA-32 to run on IA-32. The term "cross-platform" or "cross-compilation" refers to building an application on a platform type different from the one on which it will be run, for example, building on IA-32 to run on Intel® Itanium®-based systems. Not all combinations of cross-platform development are supported and some combinations may require installation of optional tools and libraries.

The following table describes the supported combinations of compilation host (system on which you build the application) and application target (system on which the application runs).

Host and Target Combinations Host \ Target IA-32 Intel® EM64T Intel® Itanium® IA-32 Yes Yes Yes Intel® EM64T Yes Yes Yes Intel® Itanium® No No Yes

Note: The above table refers to use of the command-line build environment. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 support development of IA-32 applications only. Cross-platform development of Itanium-based applications is supported in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System Edition only. Visual Studio 2005 does not support installation on Itanium-based systems.

Minimum Hardware Requirements to Develop Applications A system based on an IA-32 processor (minimum 450 MHz Intel® Pentium® II processor or greater - Intel® Core™, Intel® Pentium® 4 or Pentium® D or Intel® Xeon® processor recommended), or a system based on an Intel® Itanium® 2 processor, or a system based on an Intel processor with Intel EM64T, or a system based on an AMD* Athlon* or AMD Opteron* processor For IA-32 systems, 256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended) For other systems, 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) 300 MB of free hard disk space, plus an additional 300 MB during installation for download and temporary files 100 MB of hard disk space for the virtual memory paging file. Be sure to use at least the minimum amount of virtual memory recommended by the operating system. Software Requirements to Develop IA-32 Applications Microsoft Windows* 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Note: Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Millennium Edition and Windows NT are not supported for product development, but are supported for application deployment. One of the following Microsoft development products must be installed: Microsoft Visual C++* .NET* 2002 or 2003, Standard edition or above Microsoft Visual Studio* .NET* 2002 or 2003, any edition, with Visual C++ component installed Microsoft Visual Studio* 2005, Standard edition or above, with Visual C++ component installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, supported for command-line development only - the visual development environment is not supported For development of IA-32 applications on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition, only the 2003 and 2005 versions of the Microsoft development environments are supported. If using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, installation of the Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK (Core SDK) is required for applications that make use of the Win32 API. Software Requirements to Develop Applications for Systems with Intel EM64T or AMD Opteron Processors Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 For development using the Visual Studio environment or the command line tools, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Standard edition or above, with Visual C++ and "X64 Compiler and Tools" components installed (Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition does not require explicit selection of the X64 component.) For development using the command line tools only, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Follow the link for the Platform SDK Download Site and run PSDK-amd64.exe to begin the PSDK installation. Only the "Core SDK" is required. Software Requirements to Develop Itanium-based Applications Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 For development using the Visual Studio environment or the command-line tools on IA-32 or Intel EM64T systems, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Team System edition or above, with Visual C++ and "Itanium Compiler and Tools" components installed For development using the command line tools only, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Follow the link for the Platform SDK Download Site and run PSDK-ia64.exe to begin the PSDK installation. Only the "Core SDK" is required. Requirements to Run Applications For applications built for IA-32 systems: an IA-32 system running Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 (some applications may require Windows features not present in older versions of Windows.) For applications built for systems with Intel EM64T: a system based on a processor with Intel EM64T or AMD Opteron processor running Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition For applications built for Intel Itanium-based systems: a system based on an Intel Itanium 2 processor running Windows Advanced Server or Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise and Datacenter Editions) Running applications on systems that do not have Intel Visual Fortran Compiler installed may require installation of redistributable DLLs on the target system. Notes:

The above lists of processor model names are not exhaustive - other processor models correctly supporting the same instruction set as those listed are expected to work. Please contact Intel® Premier Support if you have questions regarding a specific processor model Some optimization options have restrictions regarding the processor type on which the application is run. Please see the documentation of these options for more information. Advanced optimization options or very large programs may require additional resources such as memory and disk space Adobe* Acrobat Reader* version 5.0 or later is required to view some of the reference documentation. It is the responsibility of application developers to ensure that the machine instructions contained in the application are supported by the operating system and processor on which the application is to run.

Obtaining the Compiler and Tools Before installing the compiler and tools, you should check the File Downloads section of Intel® Premier Support to see if a newer version or update is available. The version on CD or as listed in your electronic download license letter may not be the most current. In order to download and install a compiler from Intel® Premier Support, you will first have to register for support as described under Technical Support.

Installing the Compiler and Tools If you encounter difficulty with the initial installation or registration process, please visit to request help from Intel.

Pre-Installation Instructions To install the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler, you need to use an account that is a member of the Administrators privilege group . Any normal account with Users, Debugger Users or higher user privilege can use the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler.

Note: the default installation master directory referred to as <install-dir> in this document, is C:\Program Files\Intel The Fortran 9.1 compiler is installed into the Compiler\Fortran\9.1 subfolder.

If you will be using the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment or the Microsoft Platform SDK (see System Requirements), you must install those before installing the compiler.

Note: If you have version 8.x or 9.0 of Intel Fortran Compiler installed, you must remove the Visual Studio IDE integration for those versions before installing this version of Intel Fortran Compiler. To do this for version 8.x, follow these steps:

In the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs. Select the Intel Visual Fortran Compiler 8.x you wish to modify and click the Change button. When the InstallShield* Wizard appears, click Next. Select Modify and click Next. Clear the checkbox for "IDE Integration for Visual C++.NET" Click Next, Install and then Finish. To remove the IDE integration for version 9.0, follow these steps:

In the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs Select Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler 9.0 Integrations into Microsoft Visual Studio* and click Remove Please make sure that you do not have anti-virus or other system protection software set to silently block "suspicious" scripts or installers, as this can interfere with installation of software products.

The recommended installation order is as follows:

Install a supported prerequisite version of Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual C++.NET, Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.

Install Microsoft Platform SDK if required (see System Requirements)

Remove the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 8.x or 9.0 Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio if installed (see above note)

Install Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 9.1

The Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 9.1 can coexist with lower-numbered versions of the Intel Fortran compiler, but only one compiler's version of the Visual Studio integration can be installed. Note that for Visual Studio.NET 2002 and 2003, you can select among multple Intel compiler versions.

Installation Instructions If you received the compiler product on CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM in a CD-ROM drive. If the installation program does not automatically start, locate the file Setup.exe on the CD-ROM and double-click it. If you received the compiler product as a download, double-click on the downloaded file, which will have a name of the form The Intel® Software Setup Assistant will appear. Click Next. The Setup Assistant will prompt you for your serial number or location of a license file. If this is an initial installation, enter the serial number provided to you by Intel or your reseller and click Next. If you are connected to the Internet, the Setup Assistant will contact Intel, retrieve a license, and install it on your computer. If an Internet connection to Intel is not available, a default license will be installed which permits use of the compiler but which does not allow updates. If you already have a valid license on the system, you will be asked if you want to use it - this is the recommended choice. The Tool Selection page will appear. Each installable tool or component has a checkbox next to it. Initially, all boxes are checked. Clear checkmarks by clicking on the boxes for components you do not wish to install or update.

Note: On Intel EM64T-based systems, you must install the IA-32 compiler before installing the Integration into Microsoft Visual Studio, even if you will not be using the IA-32 compiler. This restriction will be lifted in a future update. Click Next - this will start the installation of all selected components. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, a prompt may appear asking if you want to upgrade the component. (This prompt may be hidden behind the main setup window.) The upgrade process first uninstalls the old version and then installs the new version. When the IA-32 compiler is uninstalled, you may get a message saying that "IDE depends on compiler". This is normal and you should allow the uninstall to continue. When all desired tools or components are installed, click Next. The next page provides you the opportunity to register for Intel® Premier Support. Registration gives you full access to Intel® Premier Support for the length of your support term (typically one year for licenses purchased with support), including all updates and new versions. Without registering, you will be unable to install or use product updates. Enter your e-mail address in the field provided and click Next. (If you already have an Intel® Premier Support account, enter its registered e-mail address.) You will then receive an e-mail with registration information including an initial password. If you do not want to register for Intel® Premier Support, clear the checkbox and click Next. Click Finish on the final screen to exit the Intel Software Setup Assistant. IMSL* Fortran Library Installation (Professional Edition Only) If the IMSL* Fortran Library installation fails with an error message indicating that no license was found, make sure that the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined and points to the license file location (usually C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses).

Installing the Intel® License Manager for FLEXlm* If you are a network administrator and your organization has purchased floating or node-locked licenses for Intel software development products, you need to install the Intel® License Manager for FLEXlm* on a system on your local network. This product provides the Intel® License Manager for FLEXlm* for Windows* on IA-32 and Itanium-based systems. Intel also offers the Intel License Manager for FLEXlm for a variety of other popular platforms. Any Intel License Manager for FLEXlm can serve licenses for Intel products on any combination of platforms.

To install the supplied Intel License Manager for FLEXlm after the compiler has been installed, select Start..Programs..Intel(R) Software Development Tools.. Intel(R) License Manager for FLEXlm..Install. Please refer to the User's Guide available in the same menu for details on installing and configuring the license manager. License managers for other platforms can be downloaded from Intel® Premier Support, as described in the User's Guide.

Installation related limitations When Microsoft Visual C++ or Microsoft Visual Studio is installed, if the user selects the option to update system environment variables, the user variables for the installing username may also be updated. Intel® Visual Fortran updates only the system variables, as recommended by Microsoft in its documentation for software developers. The effect of this is that if the user who installs Intel Visual Fortran then tries to build a Fortran application from a command prompt, without using the preset environment shortcut provided or invoking ifortvars.bat, default libraries, include files and modules will not be found. The workaround is to delete the user environment variables INCLUDE and LIB. This problem does not affect builds done from the IDE.

If you uninstall the Intel Visual Fortran 8.1 integration into Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, this action will remove deftofd.exe, a tool for converting resource files to Fortran include files, from the 8.1 compiler's BIN area. This will be an issue if you use the Selected Compiler Version option in Visual Studio .NET to use the 8.1 compiler and your project uses resource files. To fix this problem, copy deftofd.exe from the 9.1 compiler's IA32\BIN folder to the corresponding 8.1 folder.

If multiple copies of the Microsoft Platform SDK have been installed on the system, the compiler install may, in some cases, say that it cannot find the Platform SDK and will prompt you for the path. If this happens, please use the Browse button to identify the proper Platform SDK path.

The compiler install cannot detect if you have an unsupported version of the Microsoft Platform SDK installed. Please verify that the version selected meets the System Requirements.

If you are installing and configuring the Intel License Server, used for floating and node-locked licenses only, in some cases the license service may fail to start. In this circumstance, a message box will appear with instructions for manually starting the license service.

Setting Up the Compiler Environment You can use the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler from a command window, or from within the Microsoft visual development environment, if you installed the component for Visual Studio integration.

To use the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler from a command window, open the command window from the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler's menu from [Start]->[All Programs]->[Intel® Software Development Tools]-> [Intel® Fortran Compiler 9.1]->[Build Environment for Fortran IA-32 applications] . It sets up the environment automatically. Or you can open a normal command window and run <install-dir>\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\xxxx\bin\ifortvars.bat.W here xxxx is IA32, EM64T or Itanium. It also sets up the environment correctly to use the Intel Fortran Compiler. If you need to use the Intel C++ Compiler from the same command window, run <install-dir>\Compiler\C++\9.1\xxxx\bin\iclvars.bat Note: ifortvars.bat should be run after iclvars.bat so the linker will pick up the correct Fortran run-time libraries.

To use the Intel Fortran Compiler from the Microsoft visual development environment, use the program group item for the installed Microsoft product, for example, Start..Programs..Microsoft Visual Studio 2005..Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

If you have any problems running the compiler, please make sure a valid license file (*.lic) is located in the license directory. The compiler uses the environment variable INTEL_LICENSE_FILE to locate the license file. If you still have problems, please submit an issue to Intel® Premier Support. See the Technical Support section of this document for details.

If you have not already done so, please register for support after you install this product. See Technical Support for registration instructions.

Setting Up the IMSL* Fortran Libraries Environment (Professional Edition Only) For information on configuring either the command-line or the Visual Studio .NET environment for use with the IMSL* Fortran Libraries, provided in the Professional Edition only, please refer to the sections on using IMSL in the Using Libraries chapter of the Intel Fortran User Manual. Note that the path to the IMSL Fortran Library files has changed since version 8.1.

Uninstalling or Modifying the Compiler and Tools To uninstall or modify Intel Visual Fortran Compiler tools or components, select "Add or Remove Programs" from the "Control Panel". The following is a complete list of the tools and components which may be installed. You may not have all of these installed:

Intel(R) Debugger 9.1 Intel(R) License Manager for FLEXlm* Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler 9.1 Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler 9.1, Extended Memory 64 Technology Edition Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler Integration into Microsoft Visual C++.NET IMSL Library 5.0 for Intel(R) Fortran Compiler 9.1 Note: uninstalling the Intel Visual Fortran Compiler does not delete the corresponding license file.

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Old   November 11, 2008, 19:40
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
2.Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition 1.Microsoft windows SDK for windows server 2008 3.Intel Fortran complier 10.06
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Old   November 12, 2008, 01:14
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
Hello Rogeria, Thanks a lot for your time. Few queries: 1. Can i use Intel FORTRAN compiler version 10.0 ? 2. is that the sequence you suggested (MS SDK, MS C++, I Fortan 10,0)

regards mohan
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Old   November 12, 2008, 06:20
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
1. Intel Visual Fortran 9.0/9.1; 2. Yes Sir.
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Old   November 12, 2008, 06:33
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
thanks Rogerio, O GOD ! its trouble for me now. I have Intel Fortran compiler 10.0 . It really worries me more as the Intel Fortran 9.0/9.1 is not available on web. I searched for it on on web but was unsuccessful. If possible can you help me in this matter. my email id is

i really appreciate your support. thanks once again. -mohan
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Old   November 12, 2008, 09:06
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
Hi Sir, u can try using this trial version.
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Old   November 14, 2008, 06:52
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
Thanks a lot Rogerio, I followed the sequence mentioned by you and installed all the old softwares mentioned in the CFX11 manual. now CFX+ fortran is working !

Sequence step1. Install Microsoft Platform SDK for windows server 2003 R2 step2. Install Intel Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition step3. Install Intel Fortran compiler V9.0

IMP: CFX11 + Intel Fortran Compiler 10.0 never works ! so don't waste your time in testing CFX 11 with any new versions

-regards Mohan R
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Old   November 14, 2008, 09:32
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
Which is your Windows?
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Old   November 14, 2008, 11:47
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
Have you tried this one?

Windows XP Pro (32bit):

- Intel Fortran v9.0/v9.1:

MS Visual C++ .NET 2003 or Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (free download) Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6a Previous compiler. Won't be more supported!

Windows XP x64:

- Intel Fortran v9.0/v9.1:

MS Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1 (free download)

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Old   November 15, 2008, 01:19
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
I have tried on os windows XP Pro. (32 bit) + Intel fortran V9.0 only.

I have not tried on Windows XP 64bit

All i can conclude is that: Use only those softwares suggested bu the CFX 11 manual.

-regards Mohan

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Old   November 15, 2008, 07:11
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
I found this text in <Appendix 2 - ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide v11.pdf> file, page 447 - from ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. ANSYS CFX Release 11.0. © 1996-2006 ANSYS Europe, Ltd. All rights reserved. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

"... Compiling User Fortran Routines in ANSYS CFX 11.0 on Windows (32-bit):

The Intel Fortran 9.0 compiler is the recommended and supported compiler for ANSYS CFX 11.0. A supported linker is required; refer to the Intel compiler documentation for details. Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition is freely available. Libraries (dlls) created with Visual Fortran 6.6a (but not 6.5) will workwith the Ansys CFX 11.0 solver. However, the product installation has been set up to use the Intel Fortran compiler by default. To use the Visual Fortran compiler instead, uncomment the relevant section of the 'cfx5mkext.ccl' file (found in <cfx_install_dir>\etc), and comment out the Intel Fortran section before running the 'cfx5mkext' script.

Compiling 64-bit User Fortran Routines in ANSYS CFX 11.0 on Windows 64:

The Intel Fortran 9.0 EM64T compiler is the recommended and supported compiler for CFX 11.0 on Windows 64. A supported linker is required; refer to the Intel compiler documentation for details. The Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 provides such a linker, and is freely available. ..."
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Old   November 15, 2008, 07:14
Default cfx5mkext Re:_CFX11_+_ Fortran_compiler_?.F
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
& I found this text in <Appendix 2 - ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide v11.pdf> file, page 447 - from ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. ANSYS CFX Release 11.0. © 1996-2006 ANSYS Europe, Ltd. All rights reserved. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

"... Compiling User Fortran Routines in ANSYS CFX 11.0 on Windows (32-bit):

The Intel Fortran 9.0 compiler is the recommended and supported compiler for ANSYS CFX 11.0. A supported linker is required; refer to the Intel compiler documentation for details. Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition is freely available. Libraries (dlls) created with Visual Fortran 6.6a (but not 6.5) will workwith the Ansys CFX 11.0 solver. However, the product installation has been set up to use the Intel Fortran compiler by default. To use the Visual Fortran compiler instead, uncomment the relevant section of the 'cfx5mkext.ccl' file (found in <cfx_install_dir>\etc), and comment out the Intel Fortran section before running the 'cfx5mkext' script.

Compiling 64-bit User Fortran Routines in ANSYS CFX 11.0 on Windows 64:

The Intel Fortran 9.0 EM64T compiler is the recommended and supported compiler for CFX 11.0 on Windows 64. A supported linker is required; refer to the Intel compiler documentation for details. The Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 provides such a linker, and is freely available. ..." &
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Old   November 15, 2008, 07:23
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
File Appendix_2_-_ANSYS_CFX-Solver_Modeling_Guide_v11.pdf (4094 KB) uploaded!

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Old   November 15, 2008, 07:30
Default Re: cfx5mkext Re:_CFX11_+_ Fortran_compiler_?.F
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition 50.477 downloads 462,62 mb ==>> Freeware!
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Old   November 16, 2008, 11:16
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Rogerio Fernandes Brito
Posts: n/a
I did the tutorial 17 from ANSYS CFX-v11.0 (based on Windows XP 32 bits platform) and it worked out very well with this sequence of installation:

1) Microsoft Platform SDK for windows server 2003 SP1;

2) Microsoft Visual Studio 2005;

3) Intel Visual Fortran compiler v9.1;

4) on Microsoft Windows XP of 32 bits.

The files are at:

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Old   November 18, 2008, 05:33
Default Re: CFX11 + Fortran compiler ?
Posts: n/a
thanks sir, I will surely look at the tutorial file. regards Mohan
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Old   October 11, 2009, 13:03
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nasdak is on a distinguished road

I studied your conversation and still have a problem to compile in Fortran.
As Rogerio said I installed:

- Microsoft Platform SDK for windows server 2003 SP1;
- Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0;
- Intel Visual Fortran compiler v9.0;

And after 'ifortvars' I got "Unable to find Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or better".

I don't know my paths are correct:
-C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE
or only C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0

-C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\
or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs
or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\bin

which are correct??

Thanks for all
nasdak is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   October 13, 2009, 07:26
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rogbrito is an unknown quantity at this point
I used ANSYS CFX v11, 32 bits with:

- Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1;
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2005;
- Intel(R) Fortran Compiler v9.1.

Best regards,

Originally Posted by nasdak View Post

I studied your conversation and still have a problem to compile in Fortran.
As Rogerio said I installed:

- Microsoft Platform SDK for windows server 2003 SP1;
- Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0;
- Intel Visual Fortran compiler v9.0;

And after 'ifortvars' I got "Unable to find Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or better".

I don't know my paths are correct:
-C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE
or only C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0

-C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\
or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs
or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\bin

which are correct??

Thanks for all
rogbrito is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   June 24, 2010, 10:51
Default Fortran compiler - error
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 34
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cosine is on a distinguished road

I need to compile a user routine (backstep.F) but always an erros occurs.The error is:

CCL parser failed with message:
parseCCLLineH: syntax error near "cfx5mkext backstep.F"

I have windows ANSYS 12.0 on vista 32bit, Microsoft Platform SDK for windows vista,
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Intel Visual Fortran compiler 11.0.

Can somebody help? In which folder should i put the cfx files (backstep.F, cfx5mkext.ccl, cfx5mkext.exe)?

Thank you all for your help!!!!
cosine is offline   Reply With Quote


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