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Particle Tracking + Capture

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Old   November 11, 2011, 15:25
Default Particle Tracking + Capture
Julian Krick
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Guelph
Posts: 88
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I would like to simulate particle flow around a 2D cylinder and get the impaction efficiency eta of the particles on the cylinder's surface, which is defined as:

eta = dN/dt / F,

where dN/dt is the no. of particles captured on the surface in the time interval dt and F is the particle flux.

I use the 'stick-to-wall' BC for the cylinder surface. Now, I have the following questions:

1. How can I get dN/dt, eta?
2. 1. How can I plot dN/dt, eta during solving?
3. Are the particles, once they get captured by the "stick-to-wall" BC, removed from the domain, or are they still being tracked afterwards?
4. If the are still being track after capture, how can I make them disappear, once they impact on the cylinder's surface?


grid generation: ICEM CFD 13.0
solver: CFX 13.0
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Old   January 12, 2012, 10:49
Julian Krick
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Guelph
Posts: 88
Rep Power: 17
Julian K. is on a distinguished road
I found a way to solve my problem using a User Fortran. I posted the solution here.
grid generation: ICEM CFD 13.0
solver: CFX 13.0
Julian K. is offline   Reply With Quote


absorption, efficiency, particle capture, stick-to-wall

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