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ConvergeCFD VOF

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Old   August 9, 2023, 13:26
Default ConvergeCFD VOF
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Join Date: Aug 2023
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Dear all,

I'm working on VOF simulation but I'm having some issues in the case setup.
I have to work with a 2D domain, a square, in wich there are some droplets of liquid. For the domain I made a simple cube and then made a base grid with just one cell in the homogeneus direction and appropriate 2D boundaries .
At this point I'm having issues figuring out how to insert the droplet. Should I create a cylinder or a sphere would be better? In Ansys I would make a patch and then initialize the droplet with liquid, but here I need to work with a 3D domain eventhough the simulation is 2D. Thank you in advance!
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Old   August 15, 2023, 14:42
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Shengbai Xie
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Convergent Science, Madison WI
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You'd better create a cylinder in this case. You can delete the original side walls, and use the patch feature in Studio (Geometery > Repair > Patch > Patch around holes) to regenerate triangles on the sides around the cylinder. You'd better patch the cylinder ends as well. You should flag domain sides and cylinder ends as 2D boundary, the cylinder side as flow-through interface. Set up two regions, one for each phase, and flag the boundaries accordingly.

I hope this is helpful. Let's know if you need further assistance at

Originally Posted by Supprdy View Post
Dear all,

I'm working on VOF simulation but I'm having some issues in the case setup.
I have to work with a 2D domain, a square, in wich there are some droplets of liquid. For the domain I made a simple cube and then made a base grid with just one cell in the homogeneus direction and appropriate 2D boundaries .
At this point I'm having issues figuring out how to insert the droplet. Should I create a cylinder or a sphere would be better? In Ansys I would make a patch and then initialize the droplet with liquid, but here I need to work with a 3D domain eventhough the simulation is 2D. Thank you in advance!
Shengbai Xie, Ph.D.
Senior research engineer, Application

(608) 230-1563
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bidimensional, converge cfd, liquid, volume of fluid

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