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How to import and run command file (*.enc) using FlowSight automatically?

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Old   November 1, 2016, 21:22
Question How to import and run command file (*.enc) using FlowSight automatically?
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Join Date: May 2012
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brucecumt is on a distinguished road
Hello guys,

I want to use FlowSight to do the postprocessing of FLOW3D results automatically.

I have some experience in EnSight. With EnSight, I can use ‘ensight101 -p command.enc’ to read the command file automatically. The ‘command.enc’ is a command file saved in a previous session which can be played by EnSight to do the postprocessing automatically.

Question 1:
In FlowSight, there is the same command button and I can record to generate a command file(*.enc, *.cmd…). I also can load the command file to play using the GUI method manually. However I have no idea how to read the ‘command.enc’ using a command line like what I can do with EnSight (i.e. ‘ensight101 -p command.enc’).

Question 2:
I know the batch Post-Processing button in FLOW 3D actually uses FlowSight to do the post processing. With batch Post-Processing, I can get many useful graphics. However, I can hardly get and export useful customized values in text format with ‘Text Result’ in the batch tab. For example, you can only get values of history data, diagnostics and mesh dependent. If you want to get, say maximum velocity on the plane Y=0, you cannot get it with the ‘Text Result’ in the batch tab. I believe there should be a way to do this but I just cannot find any useful information in the help document.

Anyone can help me regarding any of the two questions?
Thank you very much.
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Old   November 21, 2016, 07:58
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Pankaj Lawande
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Hello Bruce,

I guess FlowSight context file should be the answer for both your queries. Let me explain you how in detail below :

1. You can record commands from a session (in format *.cmd/*.enc) in FlowSight as well in a usual way you do it in Ensight. But I am afraid this won't work very accurately as to make all the processes easy to use FlowSight itself does lot of things in background and those do not recorded in commands.

So. instead of using commands I will suggest you use context files (format *.ctx_f3d). Creating a context file is very easy, load a case > create and show parts/annotations/queries of your interest > adjust viewports layouts (if needed) > Save context file > Done !

You can apply this file
1. While opening a case
2. Loaded case
3. In batch file

2. You can load your case > create 2D clip at desired location > Calculate variable of interest (e.g. Max velocity) by selecting created clip > Plot this variable versus time.

Save context file as described above and use this context file in batch instead of text results.

I hope you find this useful ! Let me know if you have any questions in this.
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automatically, batch, flow3d, flowsight, postprocessing

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