June 30, 2023, 10:03
Caculating porous zone parameters for open channel flow?
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Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 20
Rep Power: 6
Hello Everyone,
i´m trying to simulate a porous zone in an Open Channel Flow and i would like to calculate the porous resistance parameters based on experimental data. Such as shown for example in the ANSYS Fluent help.
I have experimental data with the fluid height upstream an downstream the porous medium, which is located over the complete width of the test flume. I have the discharge value and averaged velocitys upstream and downstream, based on the fluid height and discharge.
I think there is a way to calculate the parameters with the experimental data, but i´m not sure how.
Within the experiments i also measured the dragging force on the porous zone, which could maybe translated into a pressure drop to derive C1 and C2, but i don´t know how to do it because of the different fluid heights upstream and downstream the porous zone (and the different fluid heights depending on the discharge).
I only found instructions how to calculate the parameters out of experimental data for flow in pipes or similar closed channels, but not for open channels like in my case. So if someone could help me i would be quite happy