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2D DPM and dynamic mesh-Received signal SIGSEGV.

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Old   March 28, 2024, 06:41
Default 2D DPM and dynamic mesh-Received signal SIGSEGV.
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teodm is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am modelling a 2D case in which a horizontal plate is under a vertical oscillating motion with an amplitude of 1 cm and my hole domain has a total height of 15 cm. I am using a UDF to model the motion. The flow field properties converge after a couple of periods.

However, when I turn on the DPM to track the trajectories of solid particles immersed in my domain after some time steps I get the following error :
Node 3: Process 25912: Received signal SIGSEGV.

I have tested the following : Serial running (still crushed). Different version of Fluent (Fluent 2023R1 and Fluent 2024R1) and still crushed. The injection location is not located in the dynamic mesh region is a bit higher than this, on the stationary region. I have increased the max. time steps for tracking but still crushed.

Does anyone have an idea on where shall I look for next?

Thank you in advance!
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Old   April 1, 2024, 16:17
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 49
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bloodflow is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by teodm View Post
Dear all,

I am modelling a 2D case in which a horizontal plate is under a vertical oscillating motion with an amplitude of 1 cm and my hole domain has a total height of 15 cm. I am using a UDF to model the motion. The flow field properties converge after a couple of periods.

However, when I turn on the DPM to track the trajectories of solid particles immersed in my domain after some time steps I get the following error :
Node 3: Process 25912: Received signal SIGSEGV.

I have tested the following : Serial running (still crushed). Different version of Fluent (Fluent 2023R1 and Fluent 2024R1) and still crushed. The injection location is not located in the dynamic mesh region is a bit higher than this, on the stationary region. I have increased the max. time steps for tracking but still crushed.

Does anyone have an idea on where shall I look for next?

Thank you in advance!
Broadly speaking SIGSEGV is Fluent trying to access memory that it does not have access to. Some random ideas to look into are:

- If this doesn't happy instantly, there must be some trigger or factor that changes at the point it SIGSEGVS. Write out any data you can just before this and look what's happening.

- Does your CPU run out of memory to track the particles?

- Failing in serial is interesting, the fault has to be in the UDF somewhere. It will be accessing a variable that doesn't exist or writing something that it doesn't have permission to. Post your code for advice.
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