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Boundary condition for alternating material inflow

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Old   May 24, 2018, 11:50
Default Boundary condition for alternating material inflow
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mar713 is on a distinguished road

I want to have an inflow of two materials through the same inlet however, alternately rather than simultaneously.

The model being used is Multiphase - Volume of Fluid.

The velocity of the mixture will be fixed while the volume fraction for each material would be continously and alternatingly switched from 1 to 0 and vice versa, so as to simulate slug flow with slugs of defined lengths.
These lengths would obviously depend on the switching times, which in turn would be a function of the mixture velocity and the time step size.

From what I have read, it seems that I need to write a User Defined Function to change the boundary condition continuously during the calculation. My first question is whether or not this approach would be correct.
Additionally, I understand that I could use two inlets instead of a single inlet but, a changing boundary condition would certainly save me a lot of time.

If UDF is the way to go, I believe that I would need to call the volume fraction, the mixture velocity, and the time step size in my UDF. I do not understand how to reference these variables in C. Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction?

I would like to thank you in advance.

Best regards,
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Old   May 24, 2018, 13:56
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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zobekenobe is on a distinguished road
Hi Mar,

You can use the FLUENT udf manual

You mainly have to use the defined the macros to interact with the conditions for your domain.

the DEFINE_PROFILE macro should allow you to define the boundary conditions on whichever boundary you specify to apply it.

CURRENT_TIME is the fluent special macro that would allow you use the flow time to give a periodic boundary condition for different inlet conditions.

there are multiphase macros which you can then explore to access each phase and their volume fraction

I hope this helps you get started

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boundary condition, fluent - udf, vof multiphase

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