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Help Needed: Creating a UDF for Transient Simulation with k-ε Standard Dispersed Turb

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Old   May 18, 2023, 01:50
Smile UDF to transform water and gas to a third phase (froth) based on a if condition for a
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Hello everyone,

I'm working on a transient simulation in Fluent using the k-ε standard dispersed turbulence model for a multiphase case (water, air, froth).

I take the reference for froth formation from the article:
"Numerical simulation of froth formation in aerated slurry coupled with population balance modelling, A. R. Sarhan, J. Naser & G. Brooks
In my simulation, I need to calculate and obtain the volumetric fraction and density values for each cell at every time step, if the volumetric fraction of dispersed air in water is equal to or greater than 0.75, I want to create a third phase, which would be the foam phase. This means that the cell's content will transform from water and air to froth.

I'm seeking guidance on how to approach the creation of a User-Defined Function (UDF) that allows me to perform this calculation and make decisions based on the volumetric fraction to transform the cell into foam.

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could provide me with examples, resources, tutorials, or any kind of guidance to help me get started with creating this UDF. I'm excited to learn and apply this in my multiphase simulation.

Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance!

Best regards, Matías

Last edited by matiyanez; May 19, 2023 at 15:36.
matiyanez is offline   Reply With Quote


multiphase flows, udf

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