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Adding Custom Tab in FLUENT using Scheme Code

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  • 2 Post By dhimans

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Old   September 14, 2009, 16:10
Default Adding Custom Tab in FLUENT using Scheme Code
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4
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Hi ,

I have a scheme code with which I can add a custom tab in FLUENT for inputting my GLOBAL variables for an automation code (again in Scheme).

The Tab works fine in GUI but I get junk values of those global variables when I try to retrieve them.

I want to be able to access the values of those global variables at all times.

The Code is -----------------------------------------------------------------------

;------------ Create RPVARS for Input parameters---------------------- 
(if (not (rp-var-object 'c_1))(rp-var-define 'c_1 550 'real #f))        ;corresponds to default mainstream gas temp 
(if (not (rp-var-object 'c_2))(rp-var-define 'c_2 60 'real #f))         ;corresponds to default mainstream velocity 
(if (not (rp-var-object 'c_3))(rp-var-define 'c_3 1.5 'real #f))        ;corresponds to default turbulent intensity 
(if (not (rp-var-object 'c_4))(rp-var-define 'c_4 300 'real #f))        ;corresponds to default coolant gas temp  
(define Tgas)          ; 4 Global variables                     
(define Vgas) 
(define I) 
(define Tcool) 
(define gui-icht                            
  (let ((panel #f)) 
          (define (update-cb  args)           ;update panel fields 
   (cx-set-real-entry Tgas (rpgetvar 'c_1)) 
   (cx-set-real-entry Vgas (rpgetvar 'c_2)) 
   (cx-set-real-entry I (rpgetvar 'c_3)) 
   (cx-set-real-entry Tcool (rpgetvar 'c_4)) 
       (define (apply-cb  args) 
   (rpsetvar 'c_1 (cx-show-real-entry Tgas)) 
   (rpsetvar 'c_2 (cx-show-real-entry Vgas)) 
   (rpsetvar 'c_3 (cx-show-real-entry I)) 
   (rpsetvar 'c_4 (cx-show-real-entry Tcool))  
       (lambda (args) 
(if (not panel)   
(let ((table) (form))  
(set! panel (cx-create-panel "ICHT PANEL" apply-cb update-cb)) 
(set! table (cx-create-table panel "" 'border #f 'below 0 'right-of 0)) 
(set! form (cx-create-frame table "" 'border #f)) 
(set! Tgas (cx-create-real-entry table "Tg" 'width 14 'row 1 'col 0 )) 
(set! Vgas (cx-create-real-entry table "Vg" 'width 14 'row 2 'col 0 )) 
(set! I (cx-create-real-entry table "Tu%" 'width 14 'row 3 'col 0 )) 
(set! Tcool (cx-create-real-entry table "Tc" 'width 14 'row 4 'col 0)) 
(set! *cx-exit-on-error* #f) 
(cx-show-panel panel)) 
(let ((menu (cx-add-menu "ICHT-GUI-Beta" #\U ))); end of let list  
      (cx-add-item menu "PARAMATERS"  #\U #f cx-client? gui-icht) 
      (cx-add-item menu "START PROGRAM" #\O #f and (lambda ()(load "main.scm"))); Starts the main automation code  
      (set! *cx-exit-on-error* #f) 
(set! *cx-exit-on-error* #f)

I wish to load the custom tab ... Update the values .. and Retrieve the values anywhere in the main program. But when I try doing that get a Junk Value.

Please help me out with this

mm.abdollahzadeh and crevoise like this.
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