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Anlysing and Calculating the power output from a wind turbine blade

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Old   March 9, 2015, 09:27
Default Anlysing and Calculating the power output from a wind turbine blade
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 30
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mrswordf1sh is on a distinguished road

Using ANSYS Fluent, we are trying to calculate the output power of a wind turbine blade (NREL PHASE VI) from which the experimental results are also available. We know number of blades (2), rotor diameter (5m), RPM (72) and pitch angle (3).

We have some questions:

1- There is just the pitch angle of the wind turbine blade is given and I could not find the angle of attack. Do people use just the pitch angle and don't use angle of attack to verify their simulation?

2- How do we calculate power output from Torque?
We obtained a Torque value after a simulation. We know that Power= Torque x Angular Velocity. Do we calculate the angular velocity from the given RPM? Is this RPM same for every wind speed (I guess not)?

3- To calculate power output, do we just multiple blade number with our result from the anlysis of a blade?

Thank you,
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Old   July 13, 2017, 01:42
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Jawad Zakir is on a distinguished road
Hi, Did you got your answer. because i am having a same confusion right now
Jawad Zakir is offline   Reply With Quote


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