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Error in compute process - No Active Application

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  • 1 Post By iancmlositano

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Old   April 27, 2015, 15:04
Default Error in compute process - No Active Application
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Join Date: Mar 2015
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yetlyg is on a distinguished road
Hello and Good day to all,

For my computation, I am using a research license at school. I ran fluent with Parallel Run Settings and used "4" as the number of processors. I let my computation run over the weekend and I get the following messages (Please see below)

After reading a couple of threads, I am noticing that my problem might be with the license server. I also noticed that in Workbench, I see a message that says "License server lost for 5 min" "License server will time out if not reconnected".

Can anyone recommend how I can continue my computation? Would I need to contact the school administrator? I click calculation again, and the window shows a message "There is no active application".

Thank you very much.

754821 2.8192e-03 1.1893e-07 2.7115e-07 9.2632e-13 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:18 62
754822 1.7209e-03 1.0489e-07 2.3739e-07 1.6337e-13 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:27 61
!754823 solution is converged
754823 8.1369e-04 7.2405e-08 2.1197e-07 7.3824e-14 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:21 60
(ani-monitor-update 3 #t #f)()

(ani-monitor-update 2 #t #f)()

(ani-monitor-update 1 #t #f)()

Writing "C:\Senior Project 2015\Senior Project\ANSYS\TES_A2_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\FFF-Setup-Output-26-0-31.780.000.cas"...
1280 quadrilateral cells, zone 5, binary.
9600 quadrilateral cells, zone 6, binary.
1280 cell partition ids, zone 5, 4 partitions, binary.
9600 cell partition ids, zone 6, 4 partitions, binary.
2400 2D interior faces, zone 1, binary.
19120 2D interior faces, zone 2, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 4, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 7, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 8, binary.
160 shadow face pairs, binary.
11121 nodes, binary.
11121 node flags, binary.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 1
===============Message from the Cortex Process================================
Fatal error in one of the compute processes.
================================================== ============================
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (case-modified?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (%show-case-id)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
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Old   July 15, 2016, 14:21
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Airede Yusuf
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I am currently having the same issues at my university
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Old   April 18, 2017, 05:36
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puneet336 is on a distinguished road
Were you able to fix the error?
If yes, then could you please share the resolution ?

Originally Posted by yetlyg View Post
Hello and Good day to all,

For my computation, I am using a research license at school. I ran fluent with Parallel Run Settings and used "4" as the number of processors. I let my computation run over the weekend and I get the following messages (Please see below)

After reading a couple of threads, I am noticing that my problem might be with the license server. I also noticed that in Workbench, I see a message that says "License server lost for 5 min" "License server will time out if not reconnected".

Can anyone recommend how I can continue my computation? Would I need to contact the school administrator? I click calculation again, and the window shows a message "There is no active application".

Thank you very much.

754821 2.8192e-03 1.1893e-07 2.7115e-07 9.2632e-13 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:18 62
754822 1.7209e-03 1.0489e-07 2.3739e-07 1.6337e-13 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:27 61
!754823 solution is converged
754823 8.1369e-04 7.2405e-08 2.1197e-07 7.3824e-14 5.8923e+02 -5.8174e+03 5.8953e-04 0:00:21 60
(ani-monitor-update 3 #t #f)()

(ani-monitor-update 2 #t #f)()

(ani-monitor-update 1 #t #f)()

Writing "C:\Senior Project 2015\Senior Project\ANSYS\TES_A2_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\FFF-Setup-Output-26-0-31.780.000.cas"...
1280 quadrilateral cells, zone 5, binary.
9600 quadrilateral cells, zone 6, binary.
1280 cell partition ids, zone 5, 4 partitions, binary.
9600 cell partition ids, zone 6, 4 partitions, binary.
2400 2D interior faces, zone 1, binary.
19120 2D interior faces, zone 2, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 4, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 7, binary.
160 2D wall faces, zone 8, binary.
160 shadow face pairs, binary.
11121 nodes, binary.
11121 node flags, binary.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than current value of -h100000
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 1
===============Message from the Cortex Process================================
Fatal error in one of the compute processes.
================================================== ============================
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (case-modified?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (%show-case-id)
Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
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Old   May 18, 2017, 21:45
Unhappy MPI error
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Ian Carlo M. Lositaņo
Join Date: Mar 2017
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I am having issues with MPI too. It seems when the connection to the Internet is cut, the calculation using parallel computing ends as well. Here is the last message error in the task page:

Updating solution at time level N... done.
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity k omega time/iter
63480 3.0371e-06 7.3886e-08 5.8098e-08 8.9681e-09 2.7776e-07 0:00:08 20
63481 2.6566e-04 3.9779e-05 3.5085e-05 4.1178e-04 3.9897e-04 0:00:10 19
63482 3.5328e-04 3.4743e-05 3.1314e-05 9.0807e-05 1.4068e-04 0:00:11 18
63483 1.8082e-04 7.4258e-06 6.6235e-06 2.1359e-05 5.5892e-05 0:00:08 17
63484 1.1755e-04 8.2641e-06 7.0098e-06 5.6698e-06 2.5103e-05 0:00:10 16
63485 9.1789e-05 6.3230e-06 5.6392e-06 1.8238e-06 1.2752e-05 0:00:07 15
63486 7.6213e-05 4.4365e-06 4.1172e-06 7.4165e-07 7.2741e-06 0:00:08 14
63487 6.3138e-05 2.8474e-06 2.6977e-06 3.7283e-07 4.6117e-06 0:00:06 13
63488 5.1390e-05 1.8470e-06 1.7832e-06 2.1825e-07 3.1803e-06 0:00:07 12
63489 4.1426e-05 1.1609e-06 1.1324e-06 1.4063e-07 2.3284e-06 0:00:05 11
63490 3.2853e-05 7.6994e-07 7.5898e-07 9.6510e-08 1.7749e-06 0:00:06 10
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity k omega time/iter
63491 2.6075e-05 5.8871e-07 5.6553e-07 6.9219e-08 1.3920e-06 0:00:04 9
63492 2.0678e-05 4.5819e-07 4.2269e-07 5.1370e-08 1.1151e-06 0:00:04 8
63493 1.6355e-05 3.6067e-07 3.1704e-07 3.9208e-08 9.0925e-07 0:00:03 7
63494 1.2814e-05 2.4193e-07 2.1392e-07 3.0453e-08 7.5200e-07 0:00:03 6
63495 1.0001e-05 1.8607e-07 1.5998e-07 2.4193e-08 6.2847e-07 0:00:02 5
63496 7.9209e-06 2.1126e-07 1.5731e-07 1.9473e-08 5.2924e-07 0:00:02 4
63497 6.2813e-06 1.5717e-07 1.0939e-07 1.5784e-08 4.4865e-07 0:00:01 3
63498 4.9718e-06 1.2919e-07 8.3865e-08 1.2937e-08 3.8147e-07 0:00:01 2
63499 3.9602e-06 1.0712e-07 6.6367e-08 1.0764e-08 3.2589e-07 0:00:00 1
63500 3.1854e-06 1.1955e-07 6.6387e-08 8.9968e-09 2.7702e-07 0:00:00 0
Writing "| gzip -2cf > C:\Users\Ian Carlo\OneDrive\Documents\Ian Carlo\Intellectual\Academic\Thesis\Data\Run11.1_VA WT6_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\VAWT6f-3-03175.cas.gz"...
Writing temporary file C:\Users\IANCAR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\flntgz-315121272 ...
17988 triangular cells, zone 2, binary.
50270 mixed cells, zone 8, binary.
17988 cell partition ids, zone 2, 4 partitions, binary.
50270 cell partition ids, zone 8, 4 partitions, binary.
26667 2D interior faces, zone 3, binary.
84139 2D interior faces, zone 9, binary.
628 mixed interior faces, zone 18, binary.
158 2D wall faces, zone 7, binary.
208 2D wall faces, zone 11, binary.
208 2D wall faces, zone 12, binary.
208 2D wall faces, zone 13, binary.
314 2D wall faces, zone 14, binary.
79 2D pressure-outlet faces, zone 6, binary.
79 2D velocity-inlet faces, zone 5, binary.
314 2D interface faces, zone 4, binary.
314 2D interface faces, zone 10, binary.
628 interior parent pointers, zone 18, binary.
628 interface metric data, zone 18, binary.
44427 nodes, binary.
44427 node flags, binary.

999999: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

999999: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

999999: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

999999: mpt_establish_connection: error: unable to connect: No error

0: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error
1: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error
2: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error
3: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

3: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

3: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

3: mpt_establish_connection: error: unable to connect: No error

1: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

1: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

1: mpt_establish_connection: error: unable to connect: No error

2: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

2: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

2: mpt_establish_connection: error: unable to connect: No error

0: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

0: mpt_connect: error: connect failed: No error

0: mpt_establish_connection: error: unable to connect: No error

999999: mpt_accept1: warning: accept failed
RPC CX_Flush failed.
: RPC: Unable to receiveError 10054,

0: mpt_accept1: warning: accept failed

1: mpt_accept1: warning: accept failed

3: mpt_accept1: warning: accept failed

2: mpt_accept1: warning: accept failed

Error: Error writing "| gzip -2cf > C:\Users\Ian Carlo\OneDrive\Documents\Ian Carlo\Intellectual\Academic\Thesis\Data\Run11.1_VA WT6_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\VAWT6f-3-03175.cas.gz".
Error Object: #f
MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status -1

C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v150\fluent\fluent15.0.7\cort ex\win64\cx1507.exe received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
1. Note exact events leading to error.
2. Save case/data under new name.
3. Exit program and restart to continue.
4. Report error to your distributor.
Error Object: ()

Error: There is no active application.
Error Object: (data-valid?)
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Old   May 18, 2017, 21:46
Default MPI error
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Ian Carlo M. Lositaņo
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Does anyone here know of a workaround to this Fluent error with the local processor? I am using Intel by the way. I have been trying to understand this for more than a week already.
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Old   July 5, 2017, 08:04
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Ian Carlo M. Lositaņo
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I've worked this out. When running Ansys Fluent parallel processing, the software should be able to detect a network connection for the MPI to be validated. Even if there is no active Internet connection as long as it is stable and not fluctuating, the run/simulation will continue. I've encountered the same many times already and this recourse has helped me run the calculation continuously.

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Old   April 23, 2018, 02:22
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Gang Shen
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Hi iancmlositano, Could you please give more detailed information to resolve this issue? Many thanks!
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Old   October 18, 2018, 22:20
Default Problem solution: h flag
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Celso Murilo
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I had the same problem, but after a long simulation time.
In my case, I was able to solve it like this:
Write case and data.
New initialization (again), restarting all variables.
Run a few timesteps
Import old archived ".dat".
Saving new cas and dates
Run normally
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Old   October 27, 2018, 23:30
Thumbs up
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Gang Shen
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Thanks, CelsoMurilo. Good idea. It is worthy to try in the future.

Originally Posted by CelsoMurilo View Post
I had the same problem, but after a long simulation time.
In my case, I was able to solve it like this:
Write case and data.
New initialization (again), restarting all variables.
Run a few timesteps
Import old archived ".dat".
Saving new cas and dates
Run normally
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