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Interface between Fluid and Homogeneous Porous Media

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  • 1 Post By guilbemloco

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Old   June 11, 2015, 09:18
Exclamation Interface between Fluid and Homogeneous Porous Media
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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guilbemloco is on a distinguished road
Hello there,

I am working on a problem that involves the flow with particles in a partially porous domain. For the particles movement, DEM is the method being used. For the porous media, the regular porous model is the selected one.

First of all, I am having trouble verifying the flow through the porous media, I believe because in the momentum equation some coefficients that include the porosity in the diffusive and convective terms are not being considered. The resistance due to the porous domain is included only via a source term.
But unless anyone know how to solve this, that's an issue for another topic.

What I would like to ask here is how can I create a boundary condition between the fluid and the porous domain, such as the interface allows the fluid to flow through it and reflects the particles, using the same colision model for a wall, for example.
The boundary conditions avaiable to choose when modeling the problem only permit me to create conditions where both phases, fluid and particles, pass through the interface or both colide with it, such as a wall.

It is very important that only the fluid can passes through the interface, and the particles colide with it, because I am investigating the mass flow drop when the particles are deposited on the surface of a porous domain.

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dem, interface, particles, porous, udf

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