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Boundary-adapt refinement with interior "dummy" walls

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Old   July 27, 2015, 10:10
Default Boundary-adapt refinement with interior "dummy" walls
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 50
Rep Power: 12
thomas. is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I am having trouble with the boundary-adapting process. I want to refine every single "wall" of my domain (see attached image) using the boundary adapt tool.

For a better understanding of the problem, I will explain very roughly my simulation case:
This is a natural convection driven flow, being itīs heat source an electron beam. The heat source heats the fluid up and the fluid starts to flow due to buoyancy: the fluid comes in from the inlet, passes literally THROUGH the heat source and goes out through the outlet. The working fluid is H2(l).
The two marked "dummy walls" arenīt actually physicall walls. They just represent the boundaries of an heat source (an electron beam), beeing the rest of the walls of the domaing actual physical walls.

The problem arrises, when I try to refine the two marked "dummy walls". When defining them as "wall" in the ANSYS-Meshing, I get to refine them using "Adapt". But, after refining, when I try to change the type of those "dummy walls" to interior-Type in the "boundary conditions" part of the setup, I get following error:
"Unable to sew together the two walls due to hanging nodes.
You must first remove the hanging nodes of these face zones."
I suppose that I am getting that error, because the boundary-adapt refinement was thought for actual boundary layer refinement, that is, for physical walls but not for my case.
On the other hand, while defining those two "dummy walls" as "interior" in the ANSYS-Meshing, those "dummy walls" become part of the actual "interior"-cell zone.

You may be asking yourselfs, why I would want to refine that area. I just want a better detail of the heat transfer process between the electron beam and the fluid (thermal boundary layer).

I hope I made my problem understandable.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Have a nice day.

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