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Write crashed .cas & .dat for Fluent

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Old   February 9, 2017, 09:59
Default Write crashed .cas & .dat for Fluent
New Member
Johannes Hall
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 21
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I am trying to fsi simulation with fluent and transient structural in ansys and I'm using system coupling in workbench to transfer the data between the solvers. I run the simulation on a linux cluster and everything works sort of fine until negative cell volumes are detected in the Fluent solver.

Now I would like to see where those negative cell volumes appear so that I can see where in my mesh there might be a problem, but this is not possible while running the simulation on the cluster, because I haven't figured out how to make fluent write the crashed .cas and .dat files.

So question nr 1:
-Is it possible to write crashed fluent .dat & .cas files in batch mode?

Secondly, the .dat file for the transient structural solver is not created in workbench but mesh nodes created in matlab and then added into the .dat file, settings are then changed in the .dat file as wanted etc. in order to run the FSI. The problem here is that because of this I don't have transient structural "tab" in workbench that I can connect to system coupling, but just an input .dat file.

So question nr 2:
-Is there a way to import a transient structural input .dat file in workbench?

I've tried to import it to transient structural but since there is no real geometry this doesn't seem to work. I have also tried with the classic mechanical solver but I can't get this one to connect to system coupling.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
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