February 27, 2017, 06:09
Numerical vs. Experimental results
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Join Date: Mar 2016
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I tried to obtain temperature distribution inside the Combustion system. Firstly, fluid is only air. This system has a injector and cold air flows inside the injector. And then, it enters the Heating zone. Flow is laminar according to Reynolds number.however, natural convection occurs inside theHeating zone due to large temperature differences. This causes turbulence. So, i tried different turbulent flow models. But CFD results are very different from experimental results at especially entrance of the Heating zone. Temperature is very low at CFD results at This point. The reason May be cold air coming from injector. How Can i solve this problem?
Also, flow inside the injector is laminar and flow inside the Heating Zone is turbulent. Which model should i use? Which turbulence model?