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automated meshing by Matlab etc.

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Old   June 7, 2018, 07:35
Question automated meshing by Matlab etc.
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I'm currently working with a battery module that includes several cells and the casing. Therefore there are many contacts and surfaces with boundary conditions to define. To get rid of defining these things manually I have created a Matlab Skript that can do that for me.

But another big effort is the defining of the Named Selections (In my case about 157) in the Mesher before opening Fluent.

Now I'm wondering if it's possible to create a Matlab Skript (or Scheme File or something similiar) that can define my Named Selections and the meshing parameters just like I can define boundary conditions via Matlab.

As there isn't a console in the Workbench pre-processer meshing tool I do not know if there is a possibility to communicate with the mesher. Therefore I searched for alternatives and found out that the Fluent Solver itself has a console for TUI commands so communication could be possible. But I couldn't find a command to define named selections.

But even if I found the command to create the named selection I've got to know how the meshing tool is naming the cell zones and surfaces for itself. There must be some kind of method that the tool uses.

Maybe there are other Meshing Tools like HyperMesh that are compatible with Fluent and have the capability to create the meshes automatically.

I know it's a very specific topic but I hope that somebody has faced the same problems and found a neat solution, maybe different than mine.

Thanks a lot
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Old   June 26, 2018, 07:34
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Join Date: May 2018
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I'm doing a repost, because I found a way to script in the meshing tool.
The tools is called ACT-console (you find the button to the right of the Help button in the toolbar) and you can write your script in IronPhyton.

The following code is a example from Ansys for Creating Mesh Controls.

def CreateMeshControls(step):
model = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model
mesh = model.Mesh
sizing = mesh.AddSizing()
sel = step.Properties["Sizing/Location"].Value
entity = ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.GeoEntityById(sel.Ids[0])
len = entity.Length
ids = []
for part in ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.Assemblies[0].Parts:
for body in part.Bodies:
for edge in body.Edges:
if abs(edge.Length-len)/len<1.e-6:
sel =

ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(Select ionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
sel.Ids = ids
sizing.Location = sel
sizing.Type = SizingType.NumberOfDivisions
sizing.NumberOfDivisions = step.Properties["Sizing/Ndiv"].Value
step.Attributes.SetValue("sizing", sizing)

I'm having problems with choosing the right faces for defining my named selections. Maybe somebodys got experience with that.

I want to catch all faces of a part in a list and then define the names with their coordinates.
By now I can gather all faces of the assembly in one Named Selection and manually split it into Named Selections for each part with the Object Generator. But even then I'm not able to choose a specific face but name.Face always retrieves the same name.

Hope someone can help me, thanks a lot.

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automated, journal, matlab, mesh

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