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Particle tracking file per time step in an Unsteady Particle Tracking

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Old   February 19, 2019, 04:02
Default Particle tracking file per time step in an Unsteady Particle Tracking
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Join Date: Feb 2018
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While running an unsteady particle tracking simulation in Ansys Fluent 13.0 with DPM model, how can we write the particle tracking summary for a particle injection (in-order to know the particle fate) in to a file for every time step or after every prescribed number of time steps? For instance,say, my total simulation time is for 100s and I need to write the particle tracking summary for every one second. How can we do it? Kindly let me know your valuable comments.
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Old   December 29, 2022, 08:15
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Kailash Choudhary
Join Date: Dec 2022
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Originally Posted by Manu4CFD View Post
While running an unsteady particle tracking simulation in Ansys Fluent 13.0 with DPM model, how can we write the particle tracking summary for a particle injection (in-order to know the particle fate) in to a file for every time step or after every prescribed number of time steps? For instance,say, my total simulation time is for 100s and I need to write the particle tracking summary for every one second. How can we do it? Kindly let me know your valuable comments.
My name is Kailash Choudhary.
I have the answer to your question.
How I did is like, in 'Graphics', go to 'Particle Tracks' and select 'Current Positions' and report to 'File' type. Then in 'Reporting Variables', select the variables you want to see. Then 'Save/Display' with, let's say name 'Output.dpmrpt'.

The tricky part comes now. So basically, this will save the data of this step only, and to update data at other flow timestep, make one animation for this 'Particle Track', this way, the data in this file will get updated whenever the Animation file is saved.

Now the data in this file will update but name of the file will be same and all the data will be over-written in this one file only. To solve this problem, I wrote a UDF code to re-name this file, so that fluent will create a new file in the absence of file with ''Output.dpmrpt'.
The udf code I wrote is --

/*This will rename the file "OUTPUT.dpmrpt" which will be generated at each animation save this file contains data of particles in the domain*/
char filename[50];
char old_name[50];
snprintf(filename,50,"Time_%06.f.dat",ceil(CURRENT _TIME));
rename(old_name, filename);

Attach this code at 'Function Hooks' -- 'Execute at End'.

In this, I faced a problem that sometimes particle track gets un-selected. So every time before starting the Run Calculation/Compute, to the particle track steps again.
Thank you
Let me know if you still have any problems with this.
Sorry for replying after 4 years (HaHa).

Last edited by Kailash Choudhary; January 5, 2023 at 07:08. Reason: Added more explanation.
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