November 29, 2019, 15:43
Use of coal-type injection type in DPM model and define properties
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 8
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i am using Fluent 19 to model air flow into a cylindric furnace with walls at constant temperature (approx. 900 °C). I have successfully modelled the air flow and heat transfer and now i want to study particles flow inside the field (one way coupling). Since i want to consider the case of expanding particles during heating, i want to mimic this through the swelling factor that is applicable for coal particles on DPM. The problem is that i can only select between massless and inert particle type at the Select injection properties, and "Combusting" option is not available. I have already inserted Coal as injection particle material but it is automatically named "Inert particle at the side bar and no option for changing it is given. Additionally, when i go to "Set injection properties" window and try to set manually the Laws to allow 1,4 and 5 which are applicable to Combustible particles, all of them are named "Inert heating". Does anybody know why this happen?
Additionally, hoping that i will succeed to this, it is possible to personalize property values, like combustion temperature and swelling factor ?
Thanks a lot in advance!