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Error trying to read my mesh file

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Old   November 9, 2021, 07:26
Default Error trying to read my mesh file
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Join Date: Nov 2021
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sfawn is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I am facing a weird error, that nobody seems to have face before as I do not find anything online regarding this.
I will try to explain my methodology throughout the all process before reading the mesh file, to see if my issue comes from a step before. I am trying to model SLM with a UDF, on an HPC.

First I create my domain on SpaceClaim, on my computer (not on the HPC) two "boxes" one on top of the other, I create named selections (by selecting the entire boxes for what I would call the main domain, called 'metal' and 'argon', then two more named selection by selecting individually each faces of the boxes at first, but it did not work so eventually I end up selecting all the faces except the one in contact with the other box. This creates my named selections 'metal_bc' and 'argon_bc'). Without entering too much into details, the surfaces in contact between the two boxes are not planes, but they are created with 'easy' geometry and perfectly matches, as the profile of these surfaces is created in an other file, and I use the exact same file to 1. pull and add the profil on top of the metal box, and 2. pull and remove the same profile from the argon box.

After that, I share the topolgy, and export in Workbench, from which I open the geometry in the Meshing software.

There, I select my preference method to be CFD, my minimum cell size and I generate the mesh, and it works.
I export the mesh by clicking on Export > Fluent Input Files > Export

When I do not have issues with overlapping region (which happened when the contact surface was included in the named selections metal_bc and argon_bc), a message states that my mesh has been exported successfully !

At this point, I connect to the HPC on PuTTy, open Fluent on the right folder (let's call him 'test'), read test.cas.h5 which is on the same folder and it works perfectly.

And this is where I have an issue: when I try to read the mesh, which is also on the same folder, and called 'domain_5um.msh', Fluent's terminal displays these messages:

Error: Unable to generate temp-file-name with prefix ;
Error Object: ""

I don't know if it is related to the mesh, which I struggled to create so far, or if it is related to something else (the transfer from my laptop to hte HPC for instance), but again, nobody online seems to have faced this issue on Fluent.

While trying to make an easier domain, i.e. one box, then the body is splitted with a plane so the contact surface is one plane as well, I do not have this issue. Is it due to the fact that my domain might be too small for Ansys ? ~ 0.5x0.5x0.5 mm^3 ?

Thanks in advance for your help and guidance,

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Old   May 24, 2024, 12:22
Default Error: Unable to generate temp-file-name with prefix ;
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 5
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fd_flux is on a distinguished road
I have an issue on HPC: when I try to replace the mesh (read mesh and discard data) in Fluent, which is also on the same folder of the original file, and called 'domain.msh', Fluent's terminal displays these messages:

Error: Unable to generate temp-file-name with prefix ;
Error Object: "

how can i fix this issue?
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fluent, hpc, mesh 3d

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