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Actuator disk theory

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Old   February 17, 2024, 13:46
Default Actuator disk theory
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Join Date: Apr 2023
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Greetings everyone, I'm currently modeling the effect of propellers on an aircraft Drag coefficient (CD). I have looked for a suitable way to do this and found out that there are 2 main ways to do this. Either by modeling the propeller on the aircraft and creating its domain inside the entire domain with the propellers subtracted from it then by using a moving reference frame (mesh motion) with a transient solver. This process gives me accurate streamlines and accurate representation of the flow behavior. However, as you can tell this process is quite long and I have learned that there is a quicker and rather good process called the actuator disk theory. I have tried to dabble in it and I have applied the "fan" boundary condition to the infinitely thin disk I also have calculated the pressure jump, tangential, and radial velocities. The only problem is that the swirl is not showing in the streamline of the velocity. It's basically as if I have pushed air through a window and it has been accelerated. This could be due to my using the share topology in the space claim.
Can anyone help me out and tell me what Im doing wrong?
Also since the aircraft is cruising at a low velocity I have opted for the pressure-based solver and the flow is considered to be incompressible. However, since adding the propellers should I adapt the pressure-ideal gas or the density-ideal gas?
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aerodynamics, aircraft, fluent cfd

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