Further to the discussions below in the "UDF's" thread concerning a public library of UDFs, journal files and scheme scripts for software from Fluent Inc. This kind of service could be very valuable for many users, especially since these features are often not very well documented. Having access to examples written by other users would help a lot. Surely many people would use this kind of site to download information. However, I'm not sure if people are willing to share their own UDFs - this is necessary for this kind of service to work.
In order to test the willingness of people to share their UDFs, journal files and scheme scripts I've opened a temporary ftp area at CFD Online. I invite everyone who has written UDFs etc. to upload them to the site. If enough people do this I will continue to work on a more user-friendly database driven web-interface to this kind of repository.
You can reach the ftp area at:
Login in as "ftp" and give your email address as password.
Upload your files to the "/incoming" direcotory and send an email to
repository@cfd-online.com explaining what the file is. I will review all submission and move them to the "/fluent" directory for public access.
In the header of each file please include your name, email address and a description of the file, what it does, for which software and software version it was written etc.